Chapter 8

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Emma's POV 

I felt hands scraping my hair back sharply and in my half asleep state I winced. I winced again as cold palms slapped against my cheeks. I opened my eyes as someone tugged my hair again harder. 

"Ow" I cried out as I got up and pushed someone off me. 

"Eeeee" I turned around to see Sophie on her back looking up and laughing. I let a shaky breath out as I grabbed Sophie and hugged her trying to not let on I was shaken up.

I looked around the room taking in the bleak grey walls and the dark patches on the ceiling. Last night's memories hit me. After detonating my home I drove off out of the city and only stopped once to change my car templates on the  dimly lit highway. There wasn't anyone around on the wide roads due to the time and I had a clear view of any car coming for a good few yards so I figured it was safe to stop for petrol and get a few necessities.

I kept glancing at my mirrors to make sure I wasn't being followed and I'd mentally note car templates and try look at the driver of every car that passed. It felt horrible to have this paranoia again especially as now I had to be a lot more careful with protecting myself. And my daughter. I couldn't leave weapons lying around and certainly couldn't have any go off around her unless absolutely necessary. The whole point of leaving Luca was to give Sophie the safe bringing up she needed, the one I never had. And I vowed  to keep her sheltered from the shitty kind of life I led with Luca. As amazing as it was, the thrill, the goddamn love, it was and is no place to raise a child and I have to stick by that.

After thinking for a long time I finally pulled up to a motel which I figured was pretty secure and close to the highway so I could dissappear quickly if needed. I booked myself a room which I made sure wasn't in view of the roads. I laid Sophie down on the bed and put the luggage near the bed after locking the door tightly and   checking the windows were sealed. I slid the gun under my pillow. After double checking the room wasn't accessible by anyone else I fell asleep.

I let out a sigh and grabbed Sophies little hand.

"Let's let some light in this dreary room eh baby?" I said as I hoisted her up on my waist and walked over to the window. Sophie grabbed on to the curtain and pulled it as I smiled at her.

The day was dreary but it wasn't raining so that was a plus. I looked at the couple of warehouses spread out and noticed how there seemed to be such a lack of life compared to the normally busy city. That was depressing. Everything seemed wrong.

I took out Sophies toothbrush and told her to go brush her teeth. She smiled and ran into the bathroom oblivious that she and I were in danger. Her lucky innocent self was the only thing keeping me going. I was determined to get her safe and not Luca win.

I quickly booked a taxi to a remote restaurant about an hour away from the motel and I was planning to stay at a hotel near the airport then take a plane last minute. That would be hard to trace. I got my things ready  as Sophie was in the bathroom and slid the gun out of my pillow then into my purse. I got my bank card ready and sighed as I read the name. Running away again meant a new identity which meant changing all my bank cards and transferring huge amounts of money without being caught out by the law. It was a fun game but dangerous. I grabbed my passport as well as Sophies and put that in my handbag. I also got an empty  envelope which i was prepared to fill with emergency money . I was extra with making sure I had everything I needed.

After getting ready and changing both mine and Sophies clothes I double checked I had everything I needed and stood in front of the mirror. I'd need to change how I look, so far I had my hair up in a bun and covered by a hood so my hair wasn't noticeable and Sophie was dressed with a little pink hat. I had a fake pregnant woman disguise  somewhere in my car and some wigs if needed and I was prepared to stay completely undetected even if it meant going overboard.

I grabbed my luggage and checked out. I put Sophie in the car and tied the seat belt tight right around her. I had a feeling something bad was gonna happen and it made my palms sweat as I put my bags in the boot. Nothing bads going to happen I'm just going to get my money and get the fuck out of this country and it is all going to be fine.

"Mummy we see Auntie Gemma?" Sophie asked me with hope in her voice.

I turned around from the drivers seat as I put the key in the ignition and sighed.

"I don't know baby. I don't know" I said. I paused and added a smile at the end to which Sophie beamed back. I just had to keep smiling and making it seem like everything was okay.

I checked how long I had till my taxi arrived at the restaurant and I had about an hour and a half. That didn't give me much time to get other things sorted as it took an hour to get there in the first place. I sighed and looked for banks in the restaurants area. There was one nearby, that'd be fine then.

I checked my mirrors and drove off. I kept looking around even though the roads were long and wide and it'd be very obvious to see a group of 3 or more blacked out cars because let's be honest Luca isn't very good at bring discreet. Whereas discreet is my damn surname im married to discretion. If I saw a car I thought u recognised or someone at the wheel who looked suspicious, I sped up or slowed down considerably watching them. But they were all false alarms.

I turned on the radio about 30 minutes into the car ride and me and Sophie sang along to any songs we know. She danced happily in the back with her favourite toy in her arms being shaken around merrily. My baby was too damn adorable for words sometimes.

We finally reached the little town as the sun began to set. It was all very pretty as I pulled up to an empty  car park near a bank and pointed out the sunset to Sophie.

"Its so bright mama" Sophie uttered, gasping.

"I know baby" I turned around and stroked her head. She smiled at me.

I grabbed my purse and headed to the ATM as Sophie sat in the car looking at the sunset. Everything seemed calm as I shoved my card in and took out a large amount of money. 5k would be a decent amount for an emergency I figured. I placed the money in the envelope and just as I opened my purse a loud screeching came from the end of the road. I took out my gun and moved quickly.

A black Range Rover sped around the corner and the wheels let put the deafening screech. I saw the window roll down and what looked like a sniper head poke out from the corner of my eye as I ran to get to my car. A round of bullets rang in the air.

Author's Note:

So I haven't updated in a long ass time I know. My  mental health's been all over the place and I've found it hard to cope with lots of things going on :( I hope you've all been good and the feedback on my story is just so damn positive and thank you 😭. The haters can totally smd thoooo ;) I hope you've enjoyed this chapter and tell me your theories on this chapter in the comments. Love you all 👅

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