Chapter 12

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Emma's POV

I stuck to the thin narrow alleyways for about 10 minutes before I heard some men shouting nearby. I stroked Sophie's hair distractedly as I stuck to the sides and kept turning corners. Did this maze even come to a fucking end?

There was now no noise beside my own breathing and Sophie's quiet little snores. Figuring it was safe, I put Sophie down gently on the ground and jumped up on a bin and hoisted myself up. No tall assholes with guns, but also no visible ways out. I scanned the near buildings and decided that a car park a distance away was the safest place for us right now.  

Hoisting my sleeping oblivious Sophie on my hip again I continued walking with my gun down.  The parking garage was easy to spot but I wasn't sure exactly how far it was. My feet were getting tired as I trudged around the corner. I stopped as I almost ploughed straight into a man. His back was turned and he was about 5'6 but had fairly noodle-y arms. He was armed with a machine gun and I think that he had a knife in a case strapped to his waist. I decided I wasn't going to shoot him and risk any other goons nearby being alerted. Instead, I swiftly put Sophie down and reached around him.

I heard him mutter as he felt my hand slip around his waist and grab his knife. Thank god I was right about that side bulge being a knife case and not some weird side dick. Noodle arms turned around getting ready to shoot but I grabbed the machine gun strap and wrapped it around his neck. Covering his mouth, I kicked him to the floor trying to be as quiet as possible. I lifted the knife and plunged it into his throat after removing the gun. There was no point him bleeding to death all over such a pretty gun. I left Noodle arms silently choking on his own blood as I wiped my hands on his jacket.

I felt something in his pocket so I took it out. It was a burner phone, that would come in handy. Might call up his contacts and demand to order a cheese pizza. Slipping the phone into my bag and pulling the gun strap over my shoulder, I picked Sophie up. 

She looked so peaceful sleeping. I made a promise when I was pregnant that I would never go back to how I was. That lifestyle with guns, murder and drugs wasn't what I wanted my daughter to grow up around and I definitely didn't want her to associate me with any of that shit.  But the way life is right now it's going to be hard to protect her from Luca's fucked up world. He was pulling me and her back into it and I definitely wasn't having it. 

I continued walking as I thought about how much I hated him. I always believed that although he was a premeditated cold blooded serial killer, he was capable of love and he wouldn't ever hurt me. I allowed all the messed up shit he did because he convinced me he was doing it for me, to keep me safe and protect me. But then why did I catch him messing around with that girl in his office? The cold reality was that he didn't give a fucking shit about me. 

Love is when you have someone to come home to. Someone you can confide in, the person you look forward to holding after a long day. And he didn't come home to me. In fact he didn't come home most nights and I was so blind I thought he needed space to grieve I didn't realise he needed space away from me.

I was out of the maze of alleys. Someway down the road I saw the 4 black range rovers parked crappily but I was opposite the parking garage's entrance now. Removing Luca's toxicity from my head I remembered Sophie's birth instead. When I held her warm little body against my own I instantly fell in love. I promised I'd always come home to her no matter what happened, I'd always be with her. And no one's going to make me break that promise. Anger was now seeping through my body. I'd do whatever the fuck I had to do to keep my baby with me. 

The car park was reasonably empty and I stomped to the third floor when I finally saw a car. Sure it was a shitty Ford Fiesta but it was still a car. I used the butt of the machine gun around my neck to smash the window and got in, placing Sophie in the back. I hotwired the car in a couple minutes and then got out and headed to the edge of the level. 

I stood in view of the parked Range Rovers. Aiming the gun, I shot out the the tyres but my aim was pretty crap from up here so I figured I missed a couple. I aimed for the gas tanks in hopes the gas would leak out. 

I had to move quickly. Now that I had fired a few shots I was sure that the men in the area had heard it and would likely guess my location.  I stood watch waiting to see if anyone would suddenly appear when a ringing came from my bag. 

Reaching into it, I grabbed the burner phone and answered. 

"Marco? " I heard a voice say on the other end. 

I waited as the man spoke some Italian I couldn't make out.  

"Marco? Fuck's sakes, speak" The Italian man roared.

"Marco's not gonna speak ever again cos I stabbed his fucking voice box out." I waited to let that sink in.

"Stop coming for me or shit's gonna change and I'll fucking hunt you down. I don't know what bitch you think you're after but you're not gonna get me that easily." I laughed while the man swore.

"Oh and also you might wanna tell your men to work out more. That dead fuck Marco had arms like a lady." I dropped the phone and shot it. 

Right it was time to move again.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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