Chapter 11

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Emma's POV

I watched out of the corner of my eye as the Range Rover abruptly took a side road and I checked my GPS as I mentally planned where the fuck they were heading. I figured they weren't trying to cut me off further ahead because it would be near impossible to build up enough speed to get ahead of me with some tires shot out. Hah, cunts.

This whole area seemed to be like a ghost town with some houses burnt down, windows and doors barred up like prison cells, and barely any paved areas. Basically it was the ghetto. I wondered if I could just do a u turn and get the fuck out of here. I checked my mirror and got ready to turn the car around when I saw something in the distance. Lots of somethings.

I squinted and my eyes finally focused enough for me to see more than 3 huge black 4x4's speeding towards me...And they had intact tyres.  Shit. 

"Where goingggg?" Sophie asked clutching her fluffy pink toy. It was either a cat or a llama we couldn't tell.

"I don't know baby" I said sighing. I looked down at the GPS and the roads laid out ahead of us and then back at the trailing cars. They seemed to be getting closer. And where the fuck did that other Range Rover trail off to?

Sophie saw me staring behind her and looked out the window. 

"Oh look is black car, black car, black carrrrr again yay" She whispered.

"Again?" I said.

"mmhm they behind us at Plelli's and shopping too!" Sophie said happily as she kneeled on her seat and gazed longingly out the window. 

"Baby get down please. Go to sleep and mummy will wake you up when we're home okay?" I said turning around for a moment and pulling her blanket on top of her. Sophie made an agreeing murmur settling in her seat with her toy and closing her eyes.

20 minutes later I decided  to think about the fact that they had been following us for longer than I had thought. I mean how much do they know? How long have they stuck around? I figured I didn't need to question WHO was behind this. Only one psycho cheating manhoe of an ex could have the resources to pull this ridiculous stalkery off. Well he wasn't scaring me. And he sure as fuck was not going to get himself or any of his fucking bald headed guards near me and Sophie.

I saw a thin alleyway up ahead of me and pulled into it. I heard the screech of metal as my wingmirrors were knocked off.  I jumped out and picked Sophie up blanket and all and placed her a safe distance away from the car.  She was sound asleep bless her. I ran to the boot and looked back to see the cars were getting closer. Shitty shit shit shit I had to move fast. 

I grabbed 3 more handguns from the hidden compartment in my boot and grabbed all the ammo. I'd have to leave my favourite machine gun though. Damn it. I stuffed the guns and a spare change of clothes for me and Sophie all in my purse beside the envelope of cash, bank cards and passports. I swung the bag over my shoulder and reached for the petrol can. 

I splashed the liquid all over the car and the surrounding area just as i heard the screech of tyres and saw some men approach the car while I moved away from it. I threw my open lighter at the car, ran and ducked down behind a bin as a loud bang and hot air rushed towards me. I heard screams. Glass flew everywhere and I began crawling towards Sophie. She was a safe distance from the car hidden behind two huge recycling bins. 

I picked her up and turned around to see the huge flame and the overpowering smell of petrol fumes going into the air. I smoothed my hair back. Holding a gun in one hand and the other keeping Sophie on my hip I walked through the set of alleys knowing it wasn't going to be long before the other assholes caught up. 

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