Chapter 10

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Unknown POV:

"Don't fucking lose her again!" 

"I'm fucking trying." The driver shouted back.

The pair sat in silence as they tried to gain speed. The Audi seemed to be getting further and further away despite their efforts to keep up.

"Shit. The little bitch shot one of our tires out AND we're running out of fuel" The driver said gripping onto the wheel as he stared straight ahead. Although the man's face was covered with a black cloth, the slits showing his eyes and the expression they wore was enough for anyone to understand his annoyance.

"See that side road up ahead? Take it. Go through the back roads and there should be a petrol station there." The other masked man said.

"How the fuck are we going to do that? She'll be long gone." 

"Listen you fuckhead. At the end of this long road it's a right turn. She'll be heading that way towards the freeway again, okay? And we will cut her off coming that way" The guy signals to Audi.

"And how do we know she isn't just going to turn around and go back or something?" 

"Because of them" 

The driver glances in his mirror to see 4 more black Range Rovers in the distance speeding towards them.

"Damn, she ain't escaping" The driver laughs.

"Not this time. We do it here in this quite area and probably bury her body if need be in that huge field" The field in the distance ahead of them is fenced off and in between multiple long roads.

"Only one body?" 

"That's how boss wants it. He wants the girl, but not the mother" 

"He wants what's his"

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