3. The Bathroom

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The boys hadn't been laying low inside of that rich stranger's attic for a long time, but it still felt like forever to them, especially after they realized they needed food. Water hadn't been an issue; Brooks always had some packed away. The water held them off for a couple of days but then Miles started to complain about craving pizza. Winston piped in and said that he was craving pizza, too, and that eventually led to Connor snapping, per usual.

"Yeah, why don't we just go ahead and find a five course meal while we're at it? That's totally do-able." Connor rolled his eyes and stood up. "How about instead of just sitting here on our asses, we actually try and do something about it, yeah?" Without warning, Connor started to open the attic door.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Brooks yelled quietly and grabbed Connor's arm. "Are you trying to get us caught?"

"I'm trying to keep us from starving and trying to shut these crybabies up," Connor muttered and shoved him away. He pulled the attic door open gently and took a quick peek down. When he was sure it was safe, Connor swung down and looked back up at the three still in the attic. "I'll knock when I'm done, okay?"

Brooks nodded and they all disappeared as the door slid shut.

As he walked down a long, almost empty hall, Connor made a mental map of the house, noting every picture, door, and potted plant that he could see. It wouldn't help them if he got lost in this labyrinth of a house. Most of the doors he passed had been closed and he didn't feel curious enough to open them for risk of being caught.

After what felt like five minutes, Connor stumbled across a large, open room. The kitchen. His eyes followed a long marble counter that stopped when it reached the refrigerator. The island in the center of the space had matching marble and a bowl of fruit was placed in the center. "Yahtzee," Connor muttered.

Without thinking twice, Connor stepped out and found a bag somewhere inside the pantry so he could gather as much food as possible. He piled in everything at the front of the shelves and turned around to open the fridge, finding some beers and Coke. "Double Yahtzee."

There was a noise. A door shutting.

Connor's heart dropped and he took off back behind the wall, his eyes moving towards the source of the sound.

It was a girl. A very pretty girl. Her dark hair contrasted beautifully with her bright, blue eyes and fair skin while a line of freckles dusted her nose and cheeks. Connor couldn't help but stare at her from afar. That was, until she started to walk towards the kitchen.

As quietly as he could, the man darted back to the attic and knocked on the door quietly. When the door opened up, he put a finger to his lips so everyone would be quiet. There were confused expressions.

"What's the deal?" Miles asked quietly.

Connor set down the bag and drinks on the floor after quietly shutting the door back. "Someone's here," he said. "They were really close to seeing me. But I made it back before they could."

Miles and Winston were digging through the bag while Connor explained what happened.

"So... what's the inside of the house look like? Did you get a good layout, just in case we need to escape?" Brooks took a seat on the floor and grabbed a Coke.

"It's massive. I only know where the kitchen is right now."

"Well, that's progress."

"Got the security footage looped," Miles muttered, a PopTart sticking out of his mouth. "We're all good."

Connor nodded and popped open a beer. He wouldn't mention to them what the girl looked like. They would all laugh at him if he described how beautiful she was. So, without another word, the man sat down and sipped quietly at his drink with the dark-haired girl on his mind.

"How long do you plan on making us stay here?" Winston chimed in after a while. All eyes were now on Brooks. "Until there aren't cops looking for us in every corner." Conner stated obviously. "Exactly." Brooks shrugged.

Brooks had taken a laptop and started to look through the security system, watching where everything went and how clean it was, making mental notes on where to put things and how to leave the house when they were done camping in it. Brooks had seen all of the people who entered and exited the doors of the massive house; a girl with brown hair and a smile that could kill, he thought she was a model. A blue haired girl and a dark haired girl with glasses who was always on the computer or the phone. He had also seen a woman like the brown haired woman but older, maybe her mother.

"Hey, Conner. Did you happen to pass a bathroom?" Miles wondered out loud.

"Yeah, it was next to the kitchen," Conner muttered looking at his mugshot on his phone.

"I'm gonna go piss while no one is here." Miles stood.

"Be extremely cautious dude, we can't be seen," Brooks warned.

"Yeah yeah, I've been doing this for a long time. Don't you think I know when I can be me and when I can't?" Miles asked walking to the door.

"I'm not kidding," Brooks replies sternly.

Miles walked out into a hall and started walking towards the kitchen. As he reached it he looked to his left and saw the bathroom. He also saw a shiny, red apple and decided to take it with him. He closed the bathroom door behind him when he started to do his business and took a bite of the apple. He took another bite as he flushed the toilet and exited the bathroom, sending a text to the boys that he was on his way but to check the computer. Something was off to him.


He froze, dropping the apple and hitting send.

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