10. The Date

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Keilani woke up to an empty bed the following morning, confused yet content she walked to her bathroom and ran the water in her tub, She added bubbles and lit candles. As the water was running she brushed her teeth and grabbed her red silk robe and a towel. After washing her face she got undressed and stepped into the hot water and sunk all the way in before letting out a sigh.

"This feels to good to be true." She moaned at the feeling of her hot bubble bath.

"Without me." Bren asked walking into the bathroom and sitting on the toilet.

"Absolutely." Keilani closed her eyes.

"I heard you have a date tonight." Bren wiggled her eyebrows while walking over to the vanity.

"I do don't I?" The tan girl smiled as she started to shave her legs.

"We're to close." Bren laughed.

"How so?" Keilani laughed.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you were to shave your vagina while I sit here and play Minecraft." She chuckled.

"I like the way you think." Keilani laughed while doing just that.

Just as Keilani was finished shaving she started to wash her hair and hum.

"FUCKING GRAVEL!" Bren complained.

"I'm just sitting here in this hot ass water at this point." Keilani laughed

"If it won't burn your skin off are you really clean?" Bren asked.

"I ask myself this everyday." The curly haired girl giggled.

"Harvard's top 5 unanswered questions." Bren raised her eyebrows while nodding, "I'm gonna go make a sandwich and then do some editing for the pictures." She continued with a sigh.

"Okay, I'll be down soon." Keilani replied blowing bubbles out of her hand.

When Bren walked out Keilani started playing music quietly and singing. The bubbles still standing very tall and the bath still pretty warm. She heard her bedroom door open and she thought it was Bren again.

"Lovely voice." Brooks smiled leaning against the door frame.

"Of course it was you." Keilani smiled

"Ouch." Brooks chuckled with his hand on his heart.

"I'm kidding. Can you hand me my towel?" She asked.

"Yeah." He moved to give her the towel.

As she rose out of the water Brooks couldn't keep his eyes off of her. He swallowed as she walked towards him reaching out for the towel. She dried off wrapping the towel around her hair and then wrapped her robe around herself and sat at the vanity. Brooks sighed as his pants seemingly got tighter.

"I'm gonna go get ready for our date, I'll see you tonight." He kissed her head and walked towards the door.

"What should I wear?" She asked with a smile.

"Fancy. Sexy. But you do that with anything." He winked walking out.

Later that night after Keilani had done her makeup and wore a red dress with a slit that ran up the leg. She walked down her stairs towards the foyer. She saw Brooks in a white button up with a gold chain and black pants and holding his suit jacket. He looked up and his eyes went wide. Suddenly a flash went off and Bren had a giant smile.

"Hot mama." She hollered at the tan woman.

"Thank you b." Keilani smiled walking down a few more stairs.

Brooks held his hand out to help her down the rest of the stairs.

"You're wearing that dress." Brooks grinned giving the girl a small twirl.

"Thank you." She blushed.

"Okay I hate to interrupt but I need you to wear this watch, it tracks wherever you are if the police were to find you. All you have to do is tap the glass twice and it will track you wherever you go." Conner explained.

"Thanks Convict." Brooks chuckled "Shall we?" Brooks motioned to the door.

A little bit later the couple pulled up to the restaurant. It was a large building with giant windows where you could see a chandelier hanging from the tall ceiling. Brooks walked to her door and helped her out of the car. She thanked him and held his hand while walking towards the doors. When they were seated they saw people giving some glances, Keilani was worried people would think of Brooks being wanted but then she realized that it could be for other reasons.

"You look absolutely gorgeous." Brooks complimented her as he held her hand from across the table.

"You look very handsome, if we're honest I could jump on you right now." Keilani winked at him.

"Is that right?" He asked holding her hand a little tighter.

The couple had enjoyed their entire evening filled with laughs and smiles.

"Excuse me sir, may I speak with you?" A man asked Brooks.

"Pertaining what exactly sir?" Brooks asked the man.

"Is your name Brooks Anderson?" The strange man asked.

"It's actually Bruce McConnel." Brooks replied smoothly.

"Brooks come with me and let's not make this hard, you're all over the damn news and on the most wanted list." The man sighed pulling out handcuffs.

"Don't make this ugly in front of my woman alright," Brooks sighed and kissed Keilani passionately. "Wait for me, love?" He asked her.

"Of course." She whispered, wiping a tear.

"Walk to the door and I'll follow you." The police officer requested putting his handcuffs back into his pocket.

She saw Brooks out of the window sitting on the cop car. He winked at her before tapping the watch twice. She sighed in worry before pulling out her phone calling Conner.

"I'm on it, I got the signal I just need you to drive to the house and the boys and I will take it from here." Conner immediately said answering the phone.

"Okay I'm on my way." The tan girl replied leaving the restaurant.

"So Brooks, how'd you do it?" A pig asked.

"I want a lawyer present." Brooks answered.

"Convicts don't get lawyers." The other cop replied.

"Actually yes they fucking do." Brooks rolled his eyes.

"Donald, leave for a minute. I would like to talk to Mr. Anderson." The grey haired cop asked.

"Listen I want a lawyer present or I will sue." Brooks smirked, knowing too many rights.

"I just want to know if you want to make your life right, I saw the girl"

"Don't talk about her fucker." Brooks began to get heated.

"How dare you fuckers talk to my client without my consent, I can get a lot of time off for you being an asshole you know." Brooks' lawyer walked in.

"Hello Mr. Taylor." The cop sighed.

"James." The lawyer spoke bitterly.

"I was just asking if he wanted to turn his life around, he's only 25, he has his whole life ahead of him. He had that gorgeous woman with him, I know he could do time and stop fucking up." James said.

"He didn't do anything so there isn't any time for him to do," His lawyer replied. "There was no camera proof of him doing anything illegal you just think it's him because there are plenty of white males with dark hair, so if you'll excuse me my client will be going home tonight." He finished.

"Actually Mr. Taylor we caught your client going 95 in 25, that's reckless driving, I have him for a trial in 5 days. The man will be booked tonight." James replied.

Brooks put his head in his hands. "Fuck."


Sorry, forgot to update!

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