8. The Kiss

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"Yo, that Winston shit was crazy." Bren sighed. "Yeah, especially fuckin' Conner, like dude calm your dick." Keilani laughed sipping on her cocktail. "Yeah, anyway you wanna get fucked?" Bren asked. "I'm sorry, bitch what?" Kei laughed. "Fucked up, like drunk." Bren laughed. "Duh." Kei giggled and started to chug her cocktail.

Meanwhile, the boys were back in the basement. Brooks sat in a corner and looked at the latest news about them on his computer, Winston was sitting in a chair on his phone giving everyone the silent treatment, Miles would silently chuckle at his phone meaning that him and Win were texting each other on their phones, Conner was sitting opposite of Winston unloading his gun and reloading it with the clip coming in and out with a loud pop every 1-2 minutes.

"Can you not?" Winston asked looking at Conner. "Am I making you angry?" Conner asked putting the clip back in with the same pop. "Not at all, but Marina wouldn't appreciate it." Winston smirked. "You leave her out of this." Conner threatened. "But yesterday you literally attacked Brooks for doing the same with Keilani, I mean just look at yourself sometimes, you're a fucking hypocrite." Winston rolled his eyes. "Yo, leave me out of this." Brooks said after his own silence. "Well it's true." Miles commented. "I'm gonna go ask Kei where we can sleep." Winston sighed going upstairs.

By the time Winston reached the stairs Keilani and Bren were laughing at one another for no reason. The amount Keilani consumed was just over Bren. There was a bottle of vodka and shot glasses on the coffee table yet the girls still had drinks in their hands.

"Um, hey?" Winston asked the two girls laughing. "Oh hey Win." Bren smiled at him. "So, I was wondering if we could get some rooms since we've all had pull out mattresses." Win asked rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, Kei i'll be back." Bren smiled

By the time Bren did get back Keilani had been drinking the entire time and had tear stains on her face.

"Hey babe what's wrong?" Bren asked hugging her best friend. "My dad." Kei hiccuped. "What's up with him?" Bren asked stroking her hair. "The only reason I can tell you is because we're so close and I can trust you. My dad is in the mafia or some shit and I just wish he was a normal ass dad that plays golf or some shit." Keilani replied with frustration. "Mine too." Bren said confessing to her pretty much sister. "Wait what?" Kei asked sitting up and wiping her tears. "I think my dad and your dad work together." Bren sighed. "He left around the same time as your dad and uses stupid ass excuses." She continued. "Really?" Kei asked and the girl nodded. "I'm gonna clean this up and go to my room here." Bren sighed and stood up grabbing a few of the bottles. "Okay, i'm gonna sit here for a little while longer." She sighed drinking from her cup. "Okay, i'll see you in the morning." Bren nodded leaving to her room.

Keilani had been drinking for another 30 minutes when she heard another person enter the room. She turned to face chocolate eyes looking at her with curiosity. She nodded her head and patted the seat next to her.

"You know it's not good to drink alone." Brooks said as he took a seat next to the compelling woman. "I wasn't, Bren just went up." She replied looking into his eyes. "Okay good." He said staring into her eyes. "Did the boys find their rooms okay?" She asked while looking into his eyes as well. "Yeah, but when are you going to bed?" He asked as his heartbeat picked up. "I was going to soon." She nodded as her own heartbeat increased. "Well I'll clean this up and come back to see if you're ready, okay?" He asked. "O-Okay." She studdered as he got up and she could see his muscular back.

Brooks let out a breath that he didn't even know he was holding. He felt good around her, like nothing was holding him back from being himself around her. As he was usually on edge but with her it felt like time went slower. Could he like her? He shook his head and walked into the living room to find the girl smiling at him. He smiled back. A genuine smile.

"You ready?" He asked her. "Yeah." She smiled, keeping eye contact with the tall man. "Where even is your room?" He chuckled. "It's upstairs, right next to the movie room." She smiled linking arms with him. "L-Let's go." Brooks smiled as she had never touched him in anyway at all. "C'mon Brooks." She giggled.

His name sounded different coming out of her mouth. It sounded like when the sun comes out in the morning. It sounded like a first kiss, a rollercoaster when you're at the highest point and race down only to want to go again when it's over. It sounded like he could get used to hearing it more often, scary, yet the best kind of feeling ever. The young man didn't even realize they were at her room until she was tapping his arm gently.

"Hm, what?" He asked looking at her. "We're here." She blushed. "Goodnight then." He smiled letting go of her hand that he didn't even know he was holding. "Goodnight." She smiled. "I'll see you in the morning." He said walking down the hall a little bit. "Hey Brooks?" She called out to him. "Yeah?" He asked turning around a little too quickly. "Do you, maybe wanna sleep with me tonight?" She asked looking down a little bit. "What?" He choked. "Not like that weirdo." She laughed. "You want me to spend the night with you?" He asked with confusion laced in his question. "Yeah." She blushed looking into his eyes. "Yeah, let me go change." He smiled at her blushing. "Okay." She smiled.

When he turned into the next hall Keilani rushed into her room changing into some sexy yet comfy pajamas. She had messed with her hair and put on a fruity perfume and sat on her bed and turned on a show from Netflix. She sat her phone down when she heard a knock at her door.

Yet on the other side of the door Brooks was a mess. He had done 25 push-ups to make his arms look bigger, messed with his hair and changed into some bigger of pajama pants in case his "friend" got excited.

She opened the door to Brooks smiling at the smaller light-skinned girl. She smiled back opening the door wider. He was met with a light gray room with a massive bed with white bedding and a couch on the left side of the room. The room was semi-girly yet very sophisticated.

"So I'll just sleep on the couch." He said heading towards it. "No." She giggled. "Oh you really wanted me to sleep with you." He said with furrowed eyebrows. "Yes, but not in that way." She winked. "Why?" He asked. "It gets lonely as hell when you're in a giant room with no one to cuddle with." She sighed. "That makes sense." He shrugged. "Yeah." She nodded. "But if you wanted me to sleep with you, all you have to do is ask babe." He winked. "Well not tonight." She laughed getting onto her bed. "So you do want to sleep with me." He smirked getting onto the bed as well. "Oh my god shut up and come over here." She giggled. "Your wish is my command." He smiled as he cuddled her. "If you ever want to sleep with me let me know love." She smiled looking into his eyes. "Noted." He smiled.

There was a silence in the room as the two as they didn't look anywhere but each others eyes. Brooks took the opportunity and leaned in and kissed Keilani. She kissed back and her hand went to the back of his head and into his hair. The kiss was soon heated as their tongues battled for dominance. His hands roamed to her waist and he rubbed small circles on her waist. She raised her leg and put it on his hip. His hand went under her thigh and travelled to her butt giving a small squeeze here and there. She pulled away first holding her hand on his jaw.

"As much as this could continue Bren is in the across the hall and i'm too tired." She smiled. "That's fine, If it did continue, I wouldn't be able to handle myself." He confessed. "How so?" Keilani asked moving her thumb up and down his jaw. "I'm very compelled to you, yes i've been with other girls but, I don't know, you're so different." He looked away. "I get it." She smiled. "You do?" He asked looking at her with confusion . "It's like attraction, I can't get enough of you, I could stay up and kiss you forever if I wasn't as buzzed as I am." She replied looking at their position. "Then let's go to sleep and we can spend more time together in the morning." He sighed, putting the covers over both of them. "Goodnight love." She yawned putting her leg across his hips and cuddling his side. "Goodnight babe." He smiled rubbing circles on her arm.

As the two drifted to sleep nothing else mattered but each other. Brooks was still confused about how much he liked the girl. He was terrified to say the wrong thing but one thing he did know was that he really liked this girl. A lot.

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