9. The Plan

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The next morning, Keilani woke up to a couple of pokes at her shoulder. She promptly turned her head to the side and immediately made eye contact with Bren. "What the fuck do you want?"

"Bitch... I'm hungry."

"Bitch, when aren't you hungry?"

"Okay," Bren said. "I see you were hungry for something else last night?"

"Nothing happened, honest to God."

"Hmm." Bren stood up and went to the door. "I'm hungry."

Keilani groaned quietly so she wouldn't wake Brooks up and stretched. "Fiiiiiiiine," she whispered. "I'll be down in a minute."

"K." Bren opened the door. "I'll be eating by then, BYE." She slammed the door.

Not a moment after that, Brooks rolled over and wrapped his arms around Keilani's waist.

"Goodmorning." Keilani smiled.

"-oomornin'," Brooks muttered into her hair.

"How'd you sleep?"

"This bed is literally amazing."

Keilani chuckled. "I know, it's better than sex, right?"

Brooks was quiet. "...well."

"Are you hungry?" she chuckled. Brooks pulled away and stretched dramatically.

"Yeah, I could eat."

The two headed towards the bathroom to brush their teeth before making their way downstairs. Upon entering the kitchen, Keilani saw Bren sitting on the counter with a tub of chocolate ice cream sitting in her lap as she played Uno with Miles and Winston.

"Took you long enough, whores."

After a minute of setting things up, Keilani, with the help of Brooks, started to cook. While the woman was flipping bacon on the pan, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist. "I always wanted a woman that could cook."

A grin spread across Keilani's face. "Well, I guess your wish came true then?"

"I guess it did." Brooks place a soft kiss on her cheek and went to grab the carton of eggs from the refrigerator.

Bren voice called out and echoed across the house. "WAIT!" Almost instantly after that, Keilani heard "Only" playing through the house's stereo. This caused Keilani to laugh.

"Kei, can I talk to you for a minute?" Marina had a yellow envelope hidden behind her back as she stood in the doorway.

Keilani was a bit surprised but nodded nonetheless. "Babe. can you watch the food? I'll be right back."

Brooks nodded with a smile before taking over at the stove. Keilani walked to where Marina was and asked her to follow her to the living room. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

Marina was quiet for a moment. "I found this while I was cleaning," she said. "I think you should look at it." She passed the envelope on to Keilani and left to go finish cleaning whatever needed to be cleaned.

Keilani eyed the envelope. What was so suspicious about it? She wouldn't know until she opened it. With a sigh, the woman sat down on the couch and opened the envelope. She slowly pulled out a piece of paper with quite messy handwriting. Miles' handwriting? It was hard to make out the first few words, but the title caught her attention instantly: Heist II.

Keilani felt her heart jump in her chest. After that, she slid out a blue paper that had white letters and diagrams written all over it. Blueprints. The title of the blueprints read: Layout of Helzberg Diamonds.

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