11. The Trial

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Keilani hasn't slept since Brooks' trial last month. A month. The tan girl has been trying to be involved without giving away her place in his crime. Keilani knows that if she gets too close then she would be harboring a fugitive; that's a lot of jail time that she can't take. The boys have been really quiet too; they were talking about leaving her house soon, as well. That made it even worse for Keilani since a big part of her life is now them and Brooks, the curly haired girl couldn't take that they might just up and leave. She's been locked in her room and her heart feels cold to her. She rarely leaves the house.

Brooks was charged with theft and armed robbery of two million dollars and evading the police. It ended with a thirty-two year sentence. Keilani was physically sick when she got the news. She hasn't spoken since.

Meanwhile, Brooks had been sent to a federal prison and was thinking about coming up with a plea deal. If he pleaded guilty on his own and told them where he hid the jewelry, then he would only get two years, maybe even less if he had good behavior. He and his lawyer had been meeting every other day to appeal to the judge. Today would be a week after his sentencing.

"How are you holding up?" His lawyer, Andrew Taylor, asked. "I'm fine, Mr. Taylor, just adjusting to how the old days were." Brooks grinned. "When you and I met the boys." Andrew chuckled at the old thought of being the lawyer of four major criminals. "So, how's my case?" Brooks asked in a serious manner. "It's going great actually, the judge is willing to see you and work with what we have given him. The only problem is that he wants to get ahold of your past record. I'm doing everything in my power to have your past cases taken off file for the day of the plea," Mr. Taylor explained carefully. "I haven't been to jail in seven years," Brooks said to himself. "Which is why it may be taken off file temporarily," Andrew pointed out. "When is the date?" Brooks asked. "Two days, though we need a fake witness for you being a good citizen for those seven years." Andrew raised his eyebrow. "Keilani," Brooks replied immediately. "Who?" Andrew asked with confusion. "Keilani, she's my almost girlfriend and she owns a giant company. You can say that I was recently fired over there or I was an intern." Brooks answered quickly. "I can work with this, we will all have a meeting soon and I'll get you taken down to my office soon. This is good Brooks." Andrew stood up and shook his hand. "I guess I'll see you soon Andrew." Brooks smiled as Andrew turned to leave.

The tan girl was sitting in her kitchen eating an apple when she got a phone call. "Hello?" She answered. "Hello, is this Keilani?" Someone asked. "It is, may I ask who's speaking?" She asked with plenty of confusion. "Yes, this is Andrew. I am your boyfriend's lawyer." The man answered. "Okay?" She replied. "You may be confused as to why I'm calling. I saw Brooks today and he had an inkling that you may be able to help him." Andrew suggested. "Um yeah, anything to help him get out sooner." Keilani sat up ready to give anything to help. "So we have a plan if you're willing to help, but I would need to see you in person. Do you mind if I drop by in about half an hour?" he asked hurriedly. "Yeah, of course I'll have my assistant send you my address and I'll see you then." She stood up rushing to her room to make herself more presentable. "That would be great, I'll see you there soon." Andrew replied. "Okay thank you, bye." Keilani bid him. "Bye." Andrew responded and hung up.

Keilani threw her hair in a bun and put on a white T-shirt and tan cargo pants, to make herself look a little bit more professional she put on a pair of heels. She decided to call her office and tell them to have everything ready for her return that day, staying in her house bored wasn't her thing therefore, she owns a company. Her doorbell rang and she hung up the phone to get the door.

"Keilani?" Andrew asked. "Yeah, Andrew?" She responded with a question. "Yes ma'am that would be me." He grinned. "Come into the living room and let's talk." She smiled pointing the way. "There's a lot to get through." Andrew put on his lawyer persona. "Okay what's first?" The curly haired girl asked sitting down. "Well, first we are gonna get his sentence down to about seven years." He replied initially. "Seven?!" She exclaimed. "But, if we're able to prove he was a good citizen for the time that he's been out of prison then we can get it cut to about two." He calmed her. "Which is where you come in, if we can prove that he was on the low and caused no disruptions then possibly with good behavior, then he can be out within a year and some parole with a strike." Andrew finished. "So what do I have to do?" She asked. "Go on the stand and provide quote documents end quote that Brooks was an employee or an intern." He replied with raised eyebrows. "No problem I'll do it, I miss my boyfriend." She shrugged in acceptance. "I'll text you when the first trial is and I know you know where the boys are, tell them to get the hell out of dodge until this trial is over and come back when it is, they're in good hands with you Keilani." Andrew stood and gave her a hug. "I will, thank you Andrew." She sighed.

It's been two weeks since Keilani gave her all at the trial. She was upset the entire time since she had to deny any type of relationship with Brooks. She even said that she had worked with criminals providing them a job to help get back on their feet. But seeing Brooks give a sly smirk at her lies to help him get out of prison made her almost choke at not being able to talk or hold him. She missed him. Now she's just waiting for the news of the other trial when the boys walked in.

"We're back!" Miles yelled as he jumped on the girl laughing. "Where have you dumbasses been?" She giggled. "We got the hell out of dodge until it was over." Winston smiled. "Well it's not over yet." She replied. "Yes it is, you didn't hear?" Conner asked. "No, what happened?" She sat up with Miles still on top of her messing with her TV. "You'll get a call, the boys and I are gonna go get beers." Conner waved. "Okay bye guys."

Getting up to change her clothes into her silk pajamas and watch fashion week on her tv. She hears a knock on her door frame as she turns around she stands frozen. She can't move.

"Princess you really sold it that never showed any type of criminal behavior, you did good." He smirked sitting at the door. "Holy shit, I'm seeing things." She whispered to herself. "And I'm seeing my beautiful girlfriend for the first time in a month and a half." He smiles holding his arms out. "Oh my god." She ran to him and jumped into his arms with a few stray tears coming out. "Hey." He whispered. "Hi." She moved her head back to hold his face. "I missed you my love." He smiled walking her over to the bed.

Laying down on her bed they could do nothing but hold each other. Brooks groaned and mentioned something about how her bed was like a cloud compared to jail. They talked for hours about his case and how he was. Brooks has just held her while she straddled his lap and rubbed her thumb against his jaw. He leaned in to kiss her while she took the opportunity fully. The kiss was passionate, like fire, confirmation, everything she wanted.

"I love you."

"I love you Keilani, more than you can imagine."

She hugged him tightly with light kisses on his neck every few minutes.

"Wasn't I supposed to say it first?"

"Shut up and kiss me some more," she laughed.


Had writer's block, whoops

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2020 ⏰

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