5. The Agreement

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"What the fuck?" Bren poked her head around the wall, her eyes on the gun in Keilani's hand. Her gaze moved to the four strangers standing in the hall. "Okay, what... the fuck? Who are you guys?"

Keilani stayed silent. The tall, dark-haired man was still close to her ear, his hand reaching towards the gun while he looked towards Bren. Everyone stayed quiet. She suddenly jerked the gun away and aimed it towards his head, clicking the safety off. "Try me now."

"H-Hey, chill!" Miles yelled.

There was a small commotion as Connor stepped forward and tried to take the gun from Keilani. Brooks held his hand up to stop Connor before he could get any closer. The three stared at each other. "Tell me who you guys are or I swear to God, I'll blow your head off!" There was a fire in Keilani's eyes.

"We're not the bad guys," Brooks said calmly. "Can you please put the gun down? We can talk this over."


Bren stepped into the room with a Louisville bat in her hands. "Kei, put it down," she mumbled, her eyes moving back and forth as she tried to watch all four of them. "We don't need to kill anyone. We'll just beat the shit out of them if they try anything."

"So how'd you guys even find my house and how did you get in?" Kei asked with a sigh clicking the safety back on. "We just took the back roads and your house looked big enough to not be seen." Conner shrugged. "Okay, but how'd you get in?" Keilani asked annoyed and confused. "N-Not important," Miles replies with a red face. "You just snitched on yourself." Bren chuckled.

"Do you want me to call the police." Marina finally spoke up. "Oh my god please no," Miles begged, hugging Keilani's knees.

There was yet another silence while everyone had eyes on Keilani. "No," Keilani replied with a sigh leaving the kitchen.

"Why'd she leave?" Marina looked at them. "Did I say something?" Brooks asked losing all confidence. "No, you said just enough. Just avoid her for a while." Bren replied handing Marina the bat and walking in the direction of where her best friend had gone.

Brooks and the boys went back to their hideout and Miles looked pale and sick with worry. Winston was just quiet. Conner was packing a few bags just Incase they were evicted from the place. Brooks sat and didn't know what to say so she could change her mind. Meanwhile, upstairs Keilani had locked herself in her office and started to dig into her files. Throwing papers everywhere and tying her hair up into a messy bun and taking off her jacket tossing it elsewhere too. She felt as if she was going crazy, but who wouldn't when you see four strangers who had been in your house for who knows how long. After tearing apart her entire desk she sits down exhausted and when she looks up, she is staring into her closet. She gets up and slowly walks up to her closet which kept extra clothes that she had designed and old files that she had tossed away. She soon finds what she was looking for.

Three Years Prior

"Keilani, my sweet, if you're ever in trouble open this and read it carefully. Your judgment in character will be at an all-time high when you take action. If it's serious, call me, but I truly believe that you can handle anything that comes your way. After all, you're my daughter and you take after me." Her father smiled at the twenty-one-year-old beauty he knew as his daughter. "Do you really have to go?" She asked with tears freely flowing. "I'm afraid so, my sweet princess." He sadly smiled. "For how long this time?" She asked. "As long as it takes to make sure that you're safe from the danger of this world." He hugged her.

They hugged so tightly that Keilani's mother thought that they would break each other. Keilani never saw it but it was one of the only times he had ever cried.


The file that he'd given her three years ago sat in her hands. She didn't know what to do so she thought it was the only way it would help her in this state.

It read: "My sweet princess if you are reading this then that means you are probably in a situation where you need someone and you don't know what to do. However, if it is out of your control, you can always call me on the emergency line, but if it is out of my control, remember Uncle Nick. Always help someone who needs to be helped and think of how they might help you."

Keilani stood up and opened the door with the file still in hand. Bren was on the other side, looking as if she was going to knock.

"Are you done with your bitch fit?" She asked with a smile. "Are you done eating cosmic brownies at 2 AM?" Keilani cocked her head to the side. "No." "Then no."

Keilani sprinted down her stairs back to the kitchen where the mess had just happened. She called the boys up to discuss the rest of the unknown story.

"Boys!" She yelled in general. "Yes?" Conner asked a minute later. "Where is the man who leads this operation?" She asked. "That would be Brooks." He answered. "I want to talk to him alone." She demanded. "Alright but only if you stop demanding me, I'm a grown-ass man." Conner scoffed. "And you're in my house hiding like a bitch. So what's your point." She rolled her eyes and used all her confidence. "A bitch huh? I'll-" Conner was interrupted. ''Enough Conner." Brooks sighed from the doorway of the kitchen. "Fine," Conner said angrily leaving the kitchen. "I'm Brooks, I heard you asked for me?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. "I did." She crossed her arms as the other girls entered. "So what's the question?" He asked. "So how long do you need to stay here?" Keilani asked with furrowed eyebrows. "Wait you're letting them stay?" Marina asked with wide eyes. "Of course she is. She's not a snitch, she's got the room to spare, and Keilani doesn't leave people out to dry. She takes after her dad and his job," Bren said shrugging.

Keilani tensed. No one knew what her father was really doing except her and her mother.

"Again, how long do you need?" She asked staring into Brooks. "Just until the cops stop looking in this area and when we're able to get out of town." He replied thankfully. "Alright, then it's settled. The house is getting cleaned tomorrow. You guys stay wherever you are until I have the rooms and shit ready." She nodded pinching the bridge of her nose.

The boys nodded and retreated to the room they've been in for a few days already. Brooks stayed put, needing to talk to Kei. She nodded for the girls to go somewhere and they noticed, walking out.

"I am very grateful for you doing this, you have no idea," Brooks started with his hand on her arm moving down to her hand. "You're welcome." She let out a small smile. "We'll be gone as soon as it's safe," he replied.

Keilani was a bit sad at that, she didn't know why but she wanted to get to know him. She didn't know why but she felt attached to him.

"Okay." She nodded, walking out of the kitchen.

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