4. The Confrontation

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"Hey Ms. Lauryn." Marina says excitedly. "Hello Marina." Keilani said with a smile. "How was work?" Marina questions handing her a Starbucks as she normally would. "Just had to wrap up some meetings and I told the secretary to make sure everyone knew I was working at home for a week or two." Kei shrugged. "That sounds like a good mini vacation for you." Marina smirked. "Let's hope because I will end everyone if it isn't." Keilani laughed. "And you would no questions asked." Marina laughed along with her boss. "Anything new?" Keilani asked with an eyebrow raised. "Not really but I did find that some of the food is missing..." Marina said pointing to the cabinet. "Are you sure it wasn't my mother or Bren?" Keilani asked curiously. "Well I checked the cameras and it has a weird cut and it looks like it was on a loop?" Marina explained with furrowed eyebrows. "Well let's go look." Keilani said walking upstairs towards her home office.

As they looked at the footage there was a silence over Keilani and if she was honest with herself she was scared, who would be out to get her or better yet who would need to do this to her? She dismissed Marina so she could really take it all in, as soon as the younger girl left she let it all in and let out a frustrated groan. She watched the exact time the footage cut and noticed a figure in the corner. She zoomed into the figure and it was an arm with a tattoo on it. She looked at the time stamp of 11:26:47 and looked through all of the other cameras yet they looked normal except for the one in the corner of her living room pointed at the kitchen. She zoomed in to meet a fuzzy face that she couldn't make out but she saw the same tattoo. It looked of a forest or trees coming from his wrist. She admitted to herself that the man was good looking but the asshole has broken into her house and cut the footage. To say she was angry was an understatement Keilani was livid. With Keilani not in the right state of mind she opened her bottom drawer and moved files around to take her pistol she had bought a few months ago out and put the clip in and placed it in the band her jeans then covered it with her flowy shirt.

Keilani descended into the kitchen finding Marina on her computer sitting at the island. Keilani leaned against the counter behind Marina looking at her watch, when she lifted her head she had observed that Marina was replacing the lost food. She felt bad since the poor girl was probably nervous of what would happen to her place as an assistant.

"Marina." Keilani sighed looking at the twenty-one year old. "Yes ma'am?" She replied looking up nervously. "I just want you to know that none of this was your fault, you aren't gonna be fired." Keilani explained to the doe eyed girl. "Really? Oh this is great, thank you so much Ms. Lauryn!" Marina said with her hands in her hair. "You're very welcome." Kei smiled.

Keilani was back in her office and she was finishing forms for her label and emailing companies who were worthy of collaboration. Keilani ran an empire from the outside world view but inside she was happy to be able to call it her own, she had built it from a small store to working with movies and eventually with stars like Kylie Jenner to Beyonce, she was also proud to be collaborating with the famous Ariana Grande for shoes which were to be released in the spring. She finished at around 3pm and decided to invite Bren.

"This is Lee photography how can we be of service for you this afternoon?" Bren's receptionist asked. "Hey it's Keilani, if Bren is there can you send the call over?" Keilani asked sitting on her couch. "Oh yes right away." "Thank you love, have a wonderful rest of your day." Kei smiled into the phone. "You too Mrs. Smith." The woman said warmly.

Keilani almost choked on air when she said that, she hadn't heard that last name in 3 years. The man that once left her at the altar the man that shattered her heart, the man who told her she'd be better as a housewife and not a woman who is one of the top names in fashion. Ryan Smith.

"Hey Kei." Bren said into the phone. After a long silence Bren spoke again. "Kei?" Bren asked. "Oh yeah, hey." Keilani snapped out of her trance. "What's the matter?" Bren asked concerned. "She called me Mrs. Smith." Keilani replied spaced out. "Damnit, I'm sorry, I'll fix it." Bren sighed. "It's fine, anyway you wanna come over?" Keilani asked turning on princess and the frog from Disney. "I would love to, let me wrap up and I'll be on my way." Bren smiled into the phone. "Okay I'll see you in like 45?" She questioned the girls timing. "If traffic is good I'll be there in 30 when I take those side roads." Bren explained. "Okay I'll see you soon." Keilani smiled. "BYE!" Bren yelled ending the call.

"Marina?" Keilani called out. "Yes ma'am?" Marina rushed into the room. "I want you to call a locksmith and get all the locks changed on the house in two days and I also need you to call a housecleaner or something and get this place cleaned up a bit." Keilani told the girl while watching her write it down. "Yes ma'am." Marina followed looking up. "Also when that's done can you bring me the most recent reports of the heist that just happened at Leno's?" Keilani nodded. "Right away." Marina nodded walking out of the room.

Keilani had asked her mom to come in to have a conversation, she'd been wondering why her dad hadn't called last week. No one knew about Keilani's dad except for her mom, not even Bren. Keilani's Dad was a mafia gang leader and was constantly on the move so he couldn't be found, you couldn't call him either because he never had the same number twice.

"Hey mom." Keilani sighed as her mom walked into the room. "Hi hunny." Her mom smiled. "Have you heard from dad?" She asked her mother. " Actually I have." She smiled. "And..?" "He's fine, he's actually thinking of being done." Her mother replied. "That's great but how?" Keilani asked excitedly. "He's gonna give his second in command the position, and pay off his debt and end it with everyone who wants his head." Her mother giggled. "Oh mom that's great, I get my dad back." She smiled hugging her mom. "He did say he won't be back in the U.S. but you can meet up with him anywhere you want." Her mother shrugged. "Better than nothing." She shrugged. "If you can excuse me I have a show on my TV calling my name."

The time was approaching 4pm and Bren had shown up to hang out. Keilani, Bren, and Marina were in the kitchen talking.

"The hardest celeb to work with is-"

Interrupting her was a toilet flush. Keilani kept her eyes on the bathroom door while gripping the pistol in her hands. The door opened to reveal a tall man with glasses and dark hair and an apple in his hands. He took a bite of the apple and turned around dropping it in his place. He quickly turned to run.

"DO NOT MOVE OR I WILL SHOOT YOU!" Keilani yelled at the unknown man. "Don't do anything irrational." The man said. "You don't know me like that, now what are you doing here?" Keilani said stepping closer to him yet still pointing the gun at him. "Actually I do, how do you think ihacked-" "You hacked my shit!" She held the gun further out. "Yes but-" "Who else is with you, I saw a guy with tree tattoos." She asked shaking the gun. "They're still here! Oh my god don't shoot me." He yelled. "When i'm done with y'all i'm gonna be in prison for murder." She stepped closer to the man with her gun.

Appearing behind him were three others. She saw one a little taller, another with dirty brown hair, and the last one with the tree tattoo.

"You're too pretty to go to prison." He walked right next to her. "Dude be careful, she's scary as hell." The one with glasses said. "She wouldn't shoot." The one next to her responded. "What makes you think I won't?" she asked. "Because you have the safety on babydoll." He whispered right next to her ear. She swallowed. Hard.

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