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Fitz POV

      Finally, he was out. It only took him several days to plan but it worked. Fitz has been wanting to go out and meet his people, but his parents where overprotective and wouldn't let him. They said it was "too dangerous". Fitz thought "I'm just going to a village near the castle, what is the worst that could happen?" So, Fitz decided to take things into his own hands.                    

How wrong he was.

He had been walking for a few minutes and he was already lost.

 Was it just him or was it a lot scarier without bodyguards? 

Wait, what was that? 

"Is someone there? Show yourself!" 


It was probably just a small animal, a squirrel maybe.

Should he double back? He may be able to find the castle and sneak back into his room. 

Going back sounded better every minute. These woods where creepy, it felt as if someone was watching him. 

He was just about to turn around when...

"Who are you and why are you here?" said a quiet, barely audible, voice. 

He may have let out a small very unrefined squeak. He could hear the mistery person giggle softly.

"Who are you? Where are you? Show your self!"

"I asked first"

"Fine, my name is Fitz, Fitz Vacker. Now, who are you!" he heard a stumble to his right.

"Pp-prince Fitz? Why are you here? The woods are full of creatures and people who would be all too happy to find you here. Especially alone." 

"I will explain if you tell me your name and promise not to take me back or say anything. Deal?" 

"Deal, call me... Elizabeth. I promise not to say a word. Now please tell me why you are here, it's dangerous, even more for you." Elizabeth said, clearly worried, while stepping into the soft moonlight. She was average height with blonde hair peeking out of the hood of her long silver cloak. He could barely make out her face. 

"I am going to visit the village. The reason I am here alone is that I had to sneak out because my parents don't want me going. Why is it more dangerous for me? "

"You're the heir to the throne," she said like that was the most obvious thing in the world. 

"Why are you here? You said it your self that it is dangerous" he had been wondering that since they started talking. If the woods were so dangerous, then why is she here?

"It is dangerous, for most people. But I know how to use a weapon. Plus, I'm not worth going after. I'm nobody" Elizabeth barely whispered the last part. 

Silence flowed  

Finally, she declared "Since you ditched your bodyguards, you should have someone to come with you. For protectin and it should be someone who knows the village so you don't get lost. I'm coming with you" 

"No offense, but why should I trust you? We meet like two minutes ago and you know how to use a weapon, I don't." 

"If I wanted to hurt you I would have done it as soon as I saw your face. But, I am still here aren't I? If you don't trust me why are you still here?"

He hated it when people made good points. He agreed to let Elizabeth accompany him to the village. 

Once they got there he became very glad about his decision. The streets were full of people and almost nothing made sense. Luckily, Elizabeth seemed to know every nook, cranny, and person in the entire village. While they made their way around they talked about different things in their lives, how boring meetings where, hobbies, ext. All too soon the sun was setting.

"You should be getting back" 

"You're not coming with me?" Fitz didn't want this day to end, he was having to much fun! It was nice not to have people fussing over him all day. 

" I will take you as far as the gates of the castle, I can't go any farther." 

Sooner then he would have wanted they were back at the castle. 

"Bye Fitz"

"Will I see you again?"

"I will see you. I doubt you will see me" 

Before she could leave he grabbed her hand "You know, you never told me why you were in the woods. Why don't you tell me now?"

Elizabeth smiled, she had a beautiful smile, but it seemed sad. 

"Find me again, and I will tell you" With that, she disappeared into the night. 

Once Fitz found his way to his room, he couldn't stop thinking about Elizabeth. It felt like he had finally made a real friend. Now, he had no idea if he was ever going to see her again. 

"I will see her again." the word was barely a whisper, but he was going to stick to it. 

Fitz was going to see Elizabeth again. 

Whatever it took. 

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