Meeting Peter Quill

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Peter stood dressed in his Spider-Man suit in the Avengers Compound as he waited for Mr. Stark to finish talking to the other adult heroes. Peter sat quietly and after about ten minutes Mr. Stark walked out of a conference room with a team of aliens

"Kid, come over here," Mr. Stark waved Peter over to the group

"This is Spider-Man, he is a newer hero," Mr. Stark introduced Peter who waved at the aliens

"Spider-Man, it is nice to meet you, I am Gamora,"

"I'm Mantis,"

"My name is Drax the Destroyer,"

"Rocket, now kid, can I have the suit?"

"Um, sorry, Mr. Rocket, but, um, I can't do that, I don't think, can I Mr. Stark?" Peter looked at his mentor


"Sorry Mr. Rocket, but Mr. Stark said no," Peter shrugged

The Raccoon (don't tell him I called him a Racoon, I'd like to live) looked annoyed, "oh, I'll get that suit,"

Peter moves into the next alien, "I am Groot."

Peter turned to the last one, but he looked human, Peter gave a confused look, even though he had a mask everybody could tell he was confused, so Tony spoke up, "no Kid, he is not an alien,"

"I'm a half alien!" The human with the aliens said proudly

"Okay?" Peter was confused, he just wanted to go work in the lab with Mr. Stark and watch buzzfeed, you know, normal teenage spider stuff

"Anyways Kid, I'm Peter Quill, but people call me Star Lord," Peter Quill grinned but soon stopped and everybody turned to see Spider-Man choking on his own breath

"OhMyGoSh!" Peter muttered as he remembered watching Buzzfeed Unsolved: The Baffling Disappearance of Peter Quill and Shane and Ryan fighting over wether it was the Government or Aliens, Ryan owes Shane 20 bucks now

And that is how Peter Quill found himself in front of the Buzzfeed building in New York

A/N: Poor Ryan, he lost 20 bucks

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