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What has my life come to? I will reflect while writing, adios.

Peter and Shuri had been hanging out like normal teenagers. They had gone to the mall and hacked into the intercom, then they had proceeded to narrate the lives of many customers. Need less to say, they are both banned from the mall.

They were laughing, "She bends down slowly, slowly, slowly... she is getting up, oh, now she is looking around," Peter laughed.

"She was so freaked out!" Shuri said.

Peter rolled his eyes, "How would you feel if there was a voice narrating your every move?" He asked.

Shuri thought for a moment as Tony and T'Challa walked in, "I would probably just do random dances until the voice backs off."

"How was the mall?" Tony asked.

"We got banned for life." Peter said.

"You got banned--" Tony started with a disappointed sigh.

"For life, yeah. I already said that."  Peter interrupted.

From behind them they heard somebody puke, "I told you not to drink so much..." Steve said as he turned away from Bucky who was still puking in a bucket (I am not going to ruin Tony's floors, mainly because of Pepper, but still) "Sam, stop laughing at Bucky," Steve asked.

"Oh god, are you okay?" T'Challa asked.

Bucky looked at the king, "I am Bucky."

Tony laughed, forgetting about Peter being banned from the mall for life, "Are you fucking drunk?"

"No! I am Bucky!" Bucky shouted before doubling over and puking again. "Nasty."

"You're drunk, Buck, come on, let's go to your room-- Sam stop laughing!" Steve said, Sam was still snickering and filming the whole thing.

Bucky growled, "I'm Bucky!"

"No, you are drunk." T'Challa said.

"I'm Bucky!" Bucky shouted.

Peter and Shuri looked at each other and smirked, they got closer to Bucky and then took a few steps back, yuck, puke covered mega old dude.

Shuri grinned, "... is this the Krusty Krab?"

That seemed to be the last straw for Bucky because he turned towards the teens and shouted, "NO! THIS IS BUCKY!"

A/N: So like, I reflected on my life and got nothing

bye peeps


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