| Ratatoskr |

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   [A/N: Back to business boys~!]

   As the mecha mecha squad charged at me I looked over at Tohka, who looked ready to charge in, and then I looked around the room, and Shido was gone.

"Dammit, Where did that guy go!" (Me)

"It doesn't matter where Shido went! We have bigger things to deal with!" (Tohka)

"R-Right" (Me)

   I tried jumping just a little bit to warm up, but I jumped right into the charge of a bunch of mech girls, I modified my scythe to have a rather dull blade right before that because I didn't want to kill anybody... Yet.... I hit one of them who had black hair straight into the ground, busting of what seemed to be the part of the suit that made it fly:

 I hit one of them who had black hair straight into the ground, busting of what seemed to be the part of the suit that made it fly:

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Source: https://date-a-live.fandom.com/fr/wiki/Ryouko_Kusakabe?file=Origami_ryouko_auldist.png

(The Mech Suits, from the actual anime, the black haired one in this is the black haired one I hit)

"Commander!" (Nee-chan??)

"It..." "We all posses it, yet it can't be bought." (Me)

"What?" (All the Mecha Girls)

The girls charge me and completely forget about Tohka.

"Most waste it, Many Value it, some protect it..." (Me)

The girls stop in place after seeing the cold, emotionless look on my face, like somebody who's been through hell and back.

"Now girls... Can you tell me what "it" is?" (Me)

While the girls stay there shaken by fear, My eyes change colour from a light grey to a dark red.

"I am one of the many who wasted "It", Now, It's my time for redemption..."

I look around and realize Tohka disappeared. I activate [Teleport] and appear behind the girls, most of which snapping out of their fear (Mostly) with this action.

"And my first step to redemption..." "...Is you..." (Me)

About half of the girls try to fly away, which I stop them from doing by teleporting in front of them and cutting of the part of their suits that lets them fly. The rest just stand there and watch as their comrades go down one by one.

|Meanwhile: at ???|

The Fight between Me and the Mecha girls is displayed on a rather large screen.

"Shido! You could have gotten yourself injured! Well Anyways... You did good for today, go get some rest." (???)

"Wait... Who... was that person.." (Shido)

"We believe it to be a new, Unidentified Spirit" (???)

"But... All spirits are girls... Aren't they?" (Shido)

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