| "Friends"? |

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Everybody was shocked at the fact that I could instantly figure out that Kotori was a spirit, more so by the fact that I could tell her spirit energy was zero.

"H-How..." (Kotori)

"Hmmm... Efrit... Empress of Flames... Interesting I'm guessing you have something to do with fire... but... Sealed? I need to hear more about this." (Me)

She was shocked, but quickly regained her composure, I can tell how dedicated she is to this.

"Heh... I guess I should've expected as much from a spirit who came out of nowhere and eliminated a whole AST squad without so much as lifting a finger" (Kotori)

"So I'll take it you were monitoring Shido and Tohka from up here during that whole ordeal?" "Please, Cut to the chase with what you want to ask me, I want to go get a good breath of fresh air for the first time in a while" (Me)

"Fine.. Join Ratatoskr, We could use your help, of course at the cost that you let Shido seal you." (Kotori)

"What's in it for me?" (Me)

"A Home, Food, A relatively normal human life." (Reine)

"Somehow I feel like you're stretching the truth a little bit." "And Besides, are you sure that your precious brother CAN Seal me?" (Me)

"It's worth a shot for a normal life, Isn't it?" (Kotori)

"Can I have a bit of time to think about it? I'd like to check out the scenery outside as well." (Me)

The two talk to eachother for a minute, and pull what seems to be an earpiece out of their pocket.

"Fine, But put this on, so we can keep track of you." (Reine)

I put the object in my right ear.

"So what questions did you want to ask us, O mister all-mighty Spirit-san." (Kotori)

I can tell she's joking, but I can't shake the feeling she's taking shots at me...

"Just Simple Stuff, like the year, the month, where I am." (Me)


Skill Received: 

[Clueless]- You have no Idea what's going on.

I feel like they're just mocking me at this point... (Me)

[A/N: Yes, Yes I am...]

"Today is October 23, 2032, and you are currently on an aircraft named Fraxinus, flying over Tengu City, Japan." "Anything else?" (Reine) 

"No, Nothing else"

Time skip brought to you by chibi Damian Walking around town

*Skill: [Bored] Has activated.*

After taking a nice, long walk around town, and seeing that this world is similar, but very different to the one I used to live in, I just gave up on navigation and wandered the streets until I heard a voice from the earpiece:

"Hello? Are you there?" (Kotori)

"Perfect timing, I was just starting to get bored." (Me)

"Princ- I mean Tohka has made an Appearance at the destroyed Rizen High Building, are you anywhere near it?" (Kotori)

"No, But I can get there in a few seconds" (Me)

With those words, I teleport to right in front of the half-destroyed school building. Only to see Tohka Standing behind Shido, trying to get his attention. 

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