| Joining the AST |

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[A/N: Still Writing, Probably going to get 2 or 3 Chapters out of the Ideas I'e got.]

"You can't start yet, we need to run some tests first..." (Ryouko)

"Tests? What sort of tests?" (Me)

"Nothing much, Just a blood test, And a couple other things" (Ryouko)

"Oh, Okay, I guess that's fine"  (Me)

Timeskip to later brought to you by Chibi Author-kun Sleeping

"And that should be everything..." (Sciency Girl)

She Puts the freshly drawn blood in some sort of Device

"W-What?!" (Sciency Girl)

"What is it?" (Ryouko)

"H-He already has mana flowing through his body..." (Sciency Girl)

"Impossible, You said he didn't have any mana implants!" (Ryouko)

"H-He Doesn't! His mana flow is... Completely Natural" (Sciency Girl)

"So.. Can you stop ignoring me now?" (Me)

"Y-Yes of course, Onto the Combat test!" (Ryouko)

She goes into the room over and comes back with an AST suit that looks like it was tailored for me

"Here, Put this on, So it will be a fair fight" (Ryouko)

"If you want a fair fight, I'd reccomend using all the weapons you have on me, I'll go change into my combat outfit" (Me)

"Are you sure about that? You might get severely inj-" (Ryouko)

Just as she's about to finish, Origami stops her and says:

"He'll be fine, If anything, I'm worried about you guys" (Origami)

"If you say so" (Ryouko)

So I head into the changing room and simply equip my Spirit Armour, and Summon my scythe. After waiting a few minutes, I walk out.

"Okay, I'm ready" (Me)

"Thats... An Interesting combat outfit" (Ryouko)

Suddenly Science Girl Whispers something to her, But I hear them

"He's putting off spirit waves" (Science Girl)

Then I remember when I equip my Armour I put out spirit waves so I try to suck them in



Skill Aquired: [Spirit Wave Supression]


How Convenient...

I activate the skill and my spirit waves dissapear, then Science Girl Whispers to Ryouko that my Waves dissapeared

"So, Are we ready for combat?" (Me)

"Yes... Just, One question..." (Ryouko)

"And what is that?" (Me)

"Where did that Scythe come from?" (Ryouko)


"O-Oh, This? I hid it in the AST Changing room yesterday when I snuck in..." (Me)

"Wow, That must have required some real skill" (Ryouko)

Of Course, Origami knows exactly what happened.

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