Chapter 11- Raccoon Uncle

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Screaming, I bolted upright in my bed. I frantically looked around myself, taking in the surroundings. When it finally sunk in that I wasn't in Tartarus, my breathing returned to normal.

Hopping off the bed, I changed into sweats, a t-shirt and a different baggy blue hoodie, knowing full well that I wasn't going to go back to sleep anytime soon. After transferring all my gifts into my sweater pockets, I Vapor Traveled down to the petting zoo.

As late as it was, I made my way to the horses so I could groom them. It was obviously because of who my father is, but I found horses and sea creatures comforting to be around.

"Lord Percy has returned!" I heard one of the younger horses announce happily as I approached.

"Hello, everyone." I greeted, entering the stables.

After grooming the horses, I played with the fish in the aquarium. They really enjoyed riding small currents I made in the water. They'd let out little "weeee's" as they did, which I found adorable. I guess it must be their version of a roller coaster.

Finally, I went into Ash's pen and play wrestled with her for a while. Of course, she didn't have a chance against me, but I let her win a few rounds.

When she yawned sleepily, I figured it was time to leave. Vapor traveling back to my room, I made sure to check myself for any stowaway bears. None.

"Miss Friday, what time is it?" I called out to the ceiling.

"6:30 am, Percy."

6:30, huh? Time for breakfast!

Going up to the common room, I found a few Guardians laying on the couch, snoring very loudly. I laughed silently to myself as I caught sight of Rocket kicking Quill in his sleep... At least I think he was asleep.

Making my way into the kitchen, I took out everything I would need for pancakes. Now that I didn't need to hide my powers from the Avengers, this made things a whole lot easier for me. Using some water from the sink, I formed a whole bunch of floating hands made of water. As I was making them float around and do my bidding, I turned on the coffee makers. Seeing as there's even more people, I need to make a whole lot more of everything.

I sighed as I continued to make enough coffee and pancakes to capsize a boat, I ordered Friday to wake the Avengers for breakfast.

When I placed the final plate of stacked pancakes onto the table, I manipulated the water so it was washing the mess I had made in the kitchen. As soon as that was done, I released the water into the sink drain and went into the living room.

I gently woke up Gamora and Nebula, putting a finger to my lips to keep them quiet like I had done with Bruce and Natasha on my first morning at the Tower. Something told me they were just as dangerous as Natasha and not to mess with them too much. Standing on the back of the couch, I readied myself for whatever reaction the rest of the Guardians would have. Smiling to myself, I took in a deep breath.

"WAKEY WAKEY!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Mantis and Drax screamed, sitting upright and frantically looked around. Quill grabbed the nearest thing and held it out like a weapon. That just so happened to be Rocket. Rocket let out a colorful rainbow of curse words at Quill as Groot sat up sleepily. I giggled and hopped off the couch.

"I made pancakes~! Come eat breakfast!" I announced as I made my way toward the kitchen, gaining all their attention.

"Pancakes?" Quill echoed, a bright smile on his face as he got to his feet.

Just then, the elevator doors opened to reveal happy looking Avengers.

"Friday told us you made breakfast!" Clint yelled, appearing in front of me faster than Pietro. I nodded and pointed toward the kitchen. At this, all the kids sprinted toward the kitchen while the women walked. Albeit, with steps that were a little hurried. I laughed as I followed behind them.

Percy Jackson and Uncle Bruce Banner [Percy Jackson-Avengers crossover]Where stories live. Discover now