Chapter 25- Sandwich Vultures (DC Crossover Part 6)

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3rd Person POV

"Hold up." Percy held out his arms as he tried to arrange my thoughts. "You're telling me the world the Avengers are in is nothing but a comic book in your world and the same can go for the other?"

"Yup. Sounds about right." Tim confirmed with a nod.

"This is so cool! It's like a sci-fi movie in real life!" Peter chirped excitedly. He then began to run toward the elevator at top speed. "I've SO got to call Ned!"

Thankfully, Tony was not only quick enough to catch Peter by the back of his shirt collar, he was able to support Banner with his free hand when he stumbled back slightly. He held a hand over his eyes, a migraine starting to take over. While he was used to this sort of stuff happening when it came to Percy being around, that doesn't mean it wasn't a pain to deal with. Tony couldn't blame him. This was a mess.

As for the Wayne family, they had a range of reactions amongst themselves. Dick was for the most part on the same page as Peter, finding this situation cool and exciting. Damian and Cassandra were amused as they watched him trying- and failing- to keep the smile off his face. Tim was muttering equations under his breath, thinking over scenarios and paradoxes that could result from Percy's appearance. Wayne just stood there, taking in the situation and everyone's reactions with a composed expression.

Then there was Jason, who was deep in his thoughts. Pieces of a puzzle were starting to fit together before the IM connected, but then this curveball gets thrown his way.

Percy could see the confusion in his eyes, but just ignored it for the moment. His attention shifted over to his poor uncle, who was struggling to keep his cool.

"Don't worry, Doc. Everything is going to be okay-" Tony tried to soothe.

"Okay?! How is this okay to you?!" Banner snapped, his voice going distorted. His eyes and neck were visibly growing green.

Behind Percy, the Wayne family all took a wary step back. Even if the Hulk couldn't actually hurt them from the other side of the IM, watching Banner transforming for the first time was always an unsettling sight.

"Relax, Uncle Bruce. I know I'm a total joy to have around, but you can go a day or two without me." Percy joked, trying to cheer him up. "Besides, just think of all the cups of coffee you can get away with while I'm here!"

His attempt in making the green go away proved to be successful, but there was still a hidden sadness that Percy could see through his eyes. Considering the circumstances, he understood why Banner was so upset. Percy was his only family and it's not like he signed up for him to go away in the first place. Despite that, Banner managed a small smile.

"Me drinking coffee doesn't mean you can get away with eating a bunch of candy over there. Make sure to brush your teeth and eat vegetables." He began to nag.

"Yeah, yeah." Percy playfully rolled his eyes.

"Say, Percy? Can't you just ask your, uh... folks if they can- I don't know- "Poof!" you back home?" Tony suddenly asked, moving his arms with the little sound effect he made. Peter copied his movement beside him, a little grin on his face.

"No way." Percy scoffed. "In case you haven't realized, they're not exactly reliable."

Thunder boomed loudly, spooking the Avengers. The Wayne's were used to Gotham's gloomy weather and were unfazed.

"They can't be that bad." Peter tried to appease.

"You kidding? I could fill books with all the bull-"

Percy Jackson and Uncle Bruce Banner [Percy Jackson-Avengers crossover]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя