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You put the dishes in the sink and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before going to the living room where Ariana was. "It's your night to do the dishes." You sat down next to her and put your hand on her arm. She threw her head back and groaned.

"Can you do them tonight and I'll do them tomorrow? I had a really long day at the studio today." "And you think I didn't have a long day at work too? Come on Ariana, this was part of our deal. We said we'd get a place together but we both have to clean up after ourselves and split the chores to make things even and to be sure one of us isn't more stressed than the other."

She got up and stomped off to the kitchen leaving you alone and confused. A couple minutes went by and you still haven't heard the sound of the faucet so you decided to go to the kitchen to see what was going on. You saw Ariana searching under all the dirty dishes and you could hear her grumbling under her breath. "You okay babe?" She turned around and rolled her eyes at you. "Where's the sponge?" You shrugged your shoulders. "I'm not sure. It should be in the sink somewhere."

You could tell she was growing frustrated with not being able to find it so you went to help her only for her to pull it out of the water a couple seconds later. "Oh good, you found it!" You went to kiss her but she turned away, your lips touching her cheek instead. "Okay what the hell is going on with you?" She turned the water off and looked at you. "I just wish you'd do these tonight so I could get some sleep!" You scoffed at her. "Okay first of all, don't raise your voice at me when I haven't done anything wrong. Secondly, this was our deal remember? It was the deal we made before we even moved into this house. We have to share the responsibilities around here. I id them last night, you do them tonight."

Ariana threw her head back and groaned again. "I know that's what we agreed on y/n, but I am exhausted! Can't I just as least push them off till tomorrow?" "You mean when I have to do them? No. We had a deal, Ariana!" She slammed her hand on the counter, both of you clearly growing frustrated and needing a break to cool down. You allowed her to go to the kitchen table and take a seat to catch her breath while you went to the living room.

It was a few minutes later when Ariana walked into the living room and placed her hand on your thigh. "I'm sorry. That was selfish of me." You turned to look at her and she reached out to grab your hand. "I know I had long day but I know I'm not the only one. I didn't even think about you and the day you had or the stress you could be under. You're absolutely right, we have a deal and I'm sorry for raising my voice at you." You smiled and ran your thumb across her bottom lip before leaning in to kiss her. "Thank you. I just want this to work out. Us moving in together was a huge step and I don't want either of us to regret it."

Ariana cupped your cheeks in her hands, brushing her lips on yours for a moment. "I could never regret it. Asking you to move in with me is the best decision I have ever made. I will never regret asking you that." You smiled and leaned your forehead on hers. "Me neither." She kissed your cheek and stood up. "I'm gonna go get those dishes done and then we can go upstairs and watch a movie before we go to sleep?" You nodded your head and she kissed you one last time before going to the kitchen to do the dishes. She might be tired, she might've had a long day, but she was still gonna hold up her end of the deal you two made.

Ariana Grande Imagines (gxg) - under editing ♡Where stories live. Discover now