days like this (requested)

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You threw your bag down and collapsed on the couch after a long day at work.You buried your head in your hands and took some deep breaths to relax yourself and a few minutes later you heard the front door open and Ariana walked in and took a seat next to you.

You pulled your hands away from your face and looked at Ariana.She looked just as exhausted as you did and you leaned your head on her shoulder. Neither of you said anything for a few minutes until she wrapped her arms around you. "Wanna go to take a bath with me? Think we could both use one." You nodded and grabbed her hand to lead her upstairs.

While she ran the bath you grabbed a change of clothes for the both of you. When you walked into the bathroom you saw Ariana already in the warm water, flashing you a warm smile as you put the clothes on the counter and stripped before getting in the bath in front of her. Her hands were on your shoulders and you leaned your head back on her chest as she held you in the water.

"Wanna talk about it?" Ariana whispered a few minutes later and you didn't hesitate to vent about your horrible and exhausting day. "It was shitty, Ari, it really was. It started out fine but a couple hours after I got to work, my coworker spilled her coffee all over my shirt and she didn't even apologize for it. Someone ate my sandwich that I made for lunch, and my boss tried to get me to work overtime. She says i'm not doing enough." Ariana rubbed your tense shoulders. "That's bullshit. You work hard,
y/n. It's easy to see." You smiled as she moved your hair from your neck and to your back. She ran her fingers through it as you continued to vent before you huffed and took a couple deep breaths.

"What about your day? You look like you had a bad day too." Ariana leaned her head forward and rested her forehead on your bare shoulder. "It was. I tried so hard to get some new stuff done for the new album, y'know, writing and recording. I thought it was going well but they said my vocals didn't sound as good as usual. I got a little upset, of course, but they kept pushing me to try harder and I was doing my best. They told me to call it a day and to get some rest, maybe that'll help tomorrow."

You turned around in the water and put your hands on her shoulders. "I like the sound of your voice. I think you're amazing. I know they put you under a lot of pressure sometimes but I think you're doing amazing. As long as you try your hardest, that's all that will ever matter, baby." She put her hand under your chin and kissed you softly, both of you smiling into the kiss before you pulled away and leaned your head on her shoulder as she held you close and placed some kisses along your forehead.

A few minutes later you switched positions and she ended up sitting on your lap as you rubbed her back. She was noticeably stressed and exhausted, a little more than you, but she was completely relaxed with you. "I'm happy we have each other, especially on days like this. You make every bad day good and every good day that much better. I love you." You whispered and Ariana rubbed your back, telling you that she felt the same and that she loves you more.

You know it probably sounds cheesy, but it's all so true. You love her more and more every single day and you couldn't imagine your life without her, and it was amazing knowing she felt the exact same way.

Ariana Grande Imagines (gxg) - under editing ♡Where stories live. Discover now