you're sick and scared (requested)

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You groaned as the ache in your stomach became more intense. You're sick, most likely with the flu - something that's been going around lately.

You feel like you need to throw up but you're too afraid to. Even with Ariana trying to coax you and comfort you, you still couldn't do it.

"Y/n you need to. You're not gonna feel better until you get it out." You shook your head, tears falling down your cheeks and the pain got worse and worse. "You're making yourself feel worse, baby." She put your hair up in a messy bun and planted a kiss to your warm shoulder.

"You don't understand. I'm too afraid. I can't do it." You cried, feeling more emotional since you're anxious and sick, a combination that always makes everything feel more out of control than it really ever is.

"I know. I know you're scared but you're hurting yourself. You gotta let it out. C'mon, I'll be right here with you. You're safe." She said and pressed a kiss to your neck as you tried to keep the nauseous feeling away but you couldn't any longer.

You lurched forward and started to throw up as Ariana comforted you by whispering words of comfort in your ear. "you're okay, I'm here with you. It'll be over soon." She promised and rubbed your back in a soothing manner while you continued to empty your achy stomach.

When you stopped you leaned back to catch your breath. "You okay?" Ariana asked as she reached around to flush the toilet. She stood up and grabbed a cloth, wetting it down with cool water before she started to wipe your hot skin down.

You let out a little sigh. "Feels good" you murmured and closed your eyes. She ran it across your forehead and then your cheeks. Your eyes met hers and she gave you a small smile. "How are you feeling?" You shrugged. "Okay, I guess. I feel hot and my stomach still hurts but I don't feel nauseous anymore."

Ariana nodded her head and pressed her hand against your forehead. "you're burning up. I'm gonna get you some medicine and a couple of other things and I'll be right back to help you to bed, okay?" You nodded and leaned against the tub while she went downstairs.

She grabbed you a bottle of water and some pills to help take down your fever. She grabbed a bucket from the closet and took it all up to the bedroom before she went back to the bathroom to find you laying on the cold tiles on the floor with your eyes closed.

She bent down next to you and rubbed your back. "Baby? We need to get you to bed." You whined. "Can I just lay here?" Ariana shook her head and picked you up to carefully take you to bed.

You opened your eyes as she tucked you in. She grabbed the pills and you quickly swallowed them with a few sips of the cold water. Ariana laid down next to you and started to rub small circles across your back. "There's a bucket on the floor in case you get sick again. I'm gonna be right here with you if you do. You just wake me up if you need anything." She kissed your head and watched you nod. "Love you," you said softly and Ariana smiled sadly at how sick you were. "I love you too. Go to sleep, I've got you."

She started to sing and press a few kisses to your back as you fell asleep. Even though you always feared to get sick, knowing she's there with you makes you feel a little better.

Ariana Grande Imagines (gxg) - under editing ♡Where stories live. Discover now