beside you

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I was listening to beside you by 5sos when this idea came to me. If you wanna go give that beautiful song a listen ❤️

Ariana laid her head back on her pillow and sighed. She can't sleep, which is strange because usually, the feeling of the tour bus moving down the freeway is normally soothing enough for her to help her fall asleep on nights like this.

But it's different when she's awake because she's missing you. It's been three months since she's last held you in her arms and it feels like torture every day not being able to hold you, kiss you, and tell you how much she loves you.

It's almost three am. It's the same time back home for you. You've gotta be asleep at this time, and normally that'd be enough for Ariana to resist the urge to call you. But she misses you like crazy. She misses the sound of your voice and she needs to hear it.

So she called you and she hoped that you'd answer, but she also told herself not to be surprised if you didn't because you've gotta be sound asleep. But she heard your voice on the third ring and it brought a small smile to her face. "Hello?" "Y/n? Oh babe, thank god you answered."

You sat up in bed and turned the lamp on. "Is everything okay, Ari? It's three in the morning." You yawned and rubbed your eyes. "Yeah. I'm sorry if I worried you. I shouldn't have called." "No, it's fine. Something's on your mind. What's going on?"

She sighed and closed her eyes. "I don't know. I just really miss you." "I miss you too." She shook her head and tangled her hand in her hair. "No y/n, I really miss you..." she went quiet and you did too. Something was really weighing on her shoulders and you were gonna let her tell you everything. "I love my job. I love being able to go out and tour and meet the fans but I also can't help but wish that I was beside you instead. I hate having to leave you and for months at a time. I hate that you have to sleep alone every night. I hate thinking that you lie awake every night without me there..." She was rambling. "Ariana. Take a breath. What's going on?"

She felt a tear run down her cheek as she bit her lip and closed her eyes. "I wanna come home." You didn't let her know but that made you panic a little. Not because you don't want her to come home but because she has an obligation to all those fans who have been waiting for months or even years to get a glimpse of her. "Ariana you can't do that." She wanted to cry. Deep down she knows that too, but she wanted to come home more than anything. "Baby your fans need you. They look up to you so much and they're all looking forward to seeing you. Some are looking forward to getting to hug you, to tell you that they love you. I miss you too but you need to be there right now."

She was crying now. "I know. But I don't know if I can go another three months without you." She heard you sigh. "What if I try to arrange a visit?" She sat up and held back a sob. "Really?" "Yeah. I miss you too, so why the hell not?" She chuckled, a tear running down her cheek. She bit her lip and smiled a little. "I'll book a flight in the morning for a couple of weeks from now."

"I'd love that a lot. I just wanna be with you again." That made you smile, and Ariana was smiling too. "Then it's settled. I'll book a flight in the morning." She nodded her head excitedly. "Okay. Thank you so much, baby. I can let you go so you can go back to sleep if you want me to." You smiled and turned the lamp off. you put your head back on the pillow, but something was missing. "Can you sing me to sleep?"

This made Ariana grin, although sleepily. She started to sing hey there delilah - your favorite song, and it lulled you to sleep pretty quickly. She heard you snoring lightly a few minutes later and she laid down against her own pillows. "I love you so much y/n. I can't wait to have you here with me. Goodnight, my love." She ended the call a few seconds later and put her phone under her pillow. She fell asleep with a small smile on her face, ready to have you back in her arms in just a couple more weeks.

Ariana Grande Imagines (gxg) - under editing ♡Where stories live. Discover now