Getting along.

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3rd person.

As Melanie was sleeping Kol watched and listened to the girl in 'awe.' He loved the little snores she did and how she would twist and turn sometimes and then grab her stomach and run her thumb up and down.

Of course Melanie knew he was watching her because she got that burning feeling in your chest when someone is staring at you.

"Stop watching me!" She moaned into her pillow before facing the door. Kol walked in with his hands up in defence. She giggled at him.

That sound made Kol weak to this knees. It remembers him of the night they shared two months ago.

Ever since that night they both haven't stopped thinking about each other, him more then her.

Now the fact she was carrying his child made Kol realise how much he needs her, them, he just will not show it.

"You know, many girls would be dying to be in your position." His British voice spoke up.

"What? Pregnant with their one night stand?" Melanie said before smacking her face down onto a pillow.

"No pregnant with my child." He said which made them go silent. "I'm not like most girls though Kol," Melanie said standing up and pulled her top down.

"That would be true, you actually gave me a chance." He said with a smile. "Only because I never got to know you, and what your like." She answered with a laugh.

"Then why did you sleep with me then.." Kol asked her and Melanie thought about it.

She felt an pull towards him sexually but of course she wasn't going to show it. "Because sometimes girls just need sex." She left and Kol opened his mouth in surprise and then he felt blushing come upon his cheeks.

When Melanie walked into the bathroom and brushed her teeth she went downstairs to find Hayley and Elijah looking into each other's eyes.

Melanie's view

"They've been like this for minutes." Klaus said walking up behind me making me jump. "Sorry love, didn't mean to scare you." He apologised and I smiled at him.

"Just a little jumpy lately. Might have something to do with the baby," I said and he smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Well, are you coming into the kitchen. Your baby daddy will not be joining us he's out feeding on some poor sole, maybe." Klaus smirked and I followed him into the kitchen.

He cleared his throat and finally Hayley moved. "Mel, how you feeling?" She asked me.

"Morning sickness, and very jumpy. Apparently." I whispered 'apparently' knowing klaus could hear me and he let out a smirk.

"Morning sickness? God bet that's terrible," she exclaimed and I nodded my
head. "You get this taste at the back of your throat. It's not fun," I moaned out and Hayley laughed.

Next thing I know there is a glass of water in front of me on the table handed by Klaus. "To wash down the taste for now." He smiled to me and I picked up the glass.

"Thanks," I said bringing the glass to my lips and taking a drink. "Niklaus can I talk to you?" Elijah soon spoke up and klaus answered with an yes.

"What's going to happen after the baby is born?" Hayley asked me and I shrugged my shoulders.

"As much I don't won't Kol in its life, my baby needs their dad no matter what. But I'm scared Hayley. This baby is a stupid miracle." I faced palmed and took a drink again.

"What if Kol takes it away from me?" I asked her and she looked at me in sorrow. "He won't, we won't let that happen, I won't let this happen." She said putting hand on my shoulder.

"I know someone who could tell you the gender of the baby. Would you like me to call them?" She asked me and I jumped up in excitement.

"Yes! I want to know if I'm going to have a miniature me or miniature Kol." I squeaked and Kol came into the kitchen.

"Why you so excited, darling." Kol asked me with his annoying nickname he calls everyone.

"I'm going to find out the gender of this bloody miracle baby." I said and looked at Hayley who was in the other room making a call.

"I hope it's a miniature me. I would love to have a son.." he said and I smiled. The thought of a mini Kol made my heart sink to my stomach.

"Well I hope it's a girl, dealing with two of you is not what I signed up for." I laughed and so did he.

"Get ready. We are going now!" Hayley said and I hugged her and I went to walk up the stairs but I felt a tug on my arm.

"Whatever the gender is, it will be just as beautiful as you," Kol said to me as I faced him. I blushed and walked up the stairs.

Mikaelson's Baby |Kol Mikaelson|Where stories live. Discover now