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It was the week of the ball that Soo-young was throwing and seulgi did not want to go.

"Oh come Seulgi, we're already here. So come with me to find a dress", Soo-young demanded as she pulled Seulgi into the store with her. "Why do I even have to go? I mean I don't have a date and I can't afford a dress, so what's the point?", she pleaded to try to get out of this situation.

"Number one. You don't need to worry about having a date because it is a masquerade party where you'll find someone at the ball. And two, don't worry about the dress cause I'll pay for it", soo young said as she winked at her elder while scanning through the racks of dresses

Seulgi sighed as she rolled her eyes and followed her best friend into the dressing room. Seulgi sat down on a chair as she waited for Soo-young to come out. After a few minutes, soo young came out with a very beautiful skin-tight mermaid red dress that had a slit on her right thigh.

"WOW beautiful!", Seulgi said as she looked her friend up and down, "well I'll take that as a yes " Soo-young giggled.

"Ok while I go try on some more dresses, I want you to try on this dress I picked out for you" seulgi took the yellow gold dress and walked into another dressing room. She tried it on but didn't feel comfortable, she walked out and showed Soo-young, "Ok let me see!", soo young squealed as she clapped her hands.

Seulgi walked out and looked in the mirror. She loved the dress, it had tassels and it was a gold mini dress so it showed off her legs. She was absolutely in love, but once she looked at the price she immediately backed out, "Oh my God! Look at the price! I can't let you pay for that, how would I repay you?", she exclaimed as her once smiley friend turned into a serious expression.

"It's ok, stop thinking about repaying me. Just let me spoil my best friend alright?", Soo-young said as she grabbed Seulgi's hands, "Well alright, I'm sorry". They took off their dresses and paid for them. Soon seulgi bid farewell to Soo-young and went back to her small one-bedroom apartment.

When she got home she immediately went and collapsed on her couch, after a while of daydreaming she suddenly got the urge to go see a certain someone so she left her apartment and headed all the way back to her mother's house.

Her mother was home from being in the hospital and truth be told, it was hard to see her mother in the hospital again. She knew her mother was hurting, because she had to let go of someone she truly loved, but despite all that, she managed to keep a smile for her daughter and son. Seulgi arrived at the house and quietly opened the front door, as she walked in she saw her mother cooking in the kitchen.

"Mom! You know you're not supposed to be out of bed, if you were hungry you should've called me", she told her mother as she took off her coat, "Ah nonsense. I can still move and being in that room all day is tiring, plus I don't live with anyone else so I have to do this", Seulgi's mother huffed as she continued to cook. Seulgi rolled her eyes and walked to her mom and hugged her.

She could hear her mother's slow heartbeat and calm breathing. She inhaled her mother's scent, which was filled with the smell of pills and flowers. She admired the gray strands on her mom's short brown hair and her pale skin.

"I love you mommy" Seulgi whispered into her mom's ear, "I love you too my sweet baby bear. Now go set up the table I'm almost finished cooking", seulgi obeyed and did as her mother said. She genuinely missed it when her mom would boss her around and she would bicker with her brother. She missed the times of her childhood when she was happy and everyone was happy.

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