Chapter 2: Screw Up

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Its true I used to be as sweet as candy. Only I am far from sweet to my brother or my mum.. Lauren and Harry are the only ones who understand. Lauren, at age 13, is a mini me. Only she's closer to Ashton than I ever was.

"Kasey Irwin the prettiest girl in all Ellis High School." Luke says opening his locker, if there's one thing about Luke its that no one can sneak up on him. He always knew when you are coming.

"Luke Hemmings most single boy of all Ellis High." I tease him opening my locker taking out my textbook and notebook before closing it quickly. Luke knew I was serious about school and how I need to get out of this town.

"Come on Lucus." I rush grabbing his hand. "We have gotta get out of this town and every school day is one step closer."

"I'm coming Beaut's." He tells me. Beaut's was my nickname ever since since I told Luke my favorite disney princess was Sleeping Beauty. Funny, right?

"Look the two love birds." Calum teases walking pass our lockers. I roll my eyes grabbing Luke's arm closing his locker for him before dragging him to Drama which I just so happen to have had to force Luke to take with me. After a little puppy dog face, he caved almost immediately.

"Oh come on Beaut's its not like you'll fail. You have straight A's." He tells me. I roll my eyes grabbing my script off the desk before sitting down in the back with Luke and my friend, Carla. Carla has been my friend ever since 1st grade. She's more of a bad girl than I would ever be.

"Hey Carla." I say opening the booklet. Luke turning towards me as my brother and his girlfriend, Kaylee, walk in, hand in hand. My brother never noticed when I was ever in the room or atleast it didn't feel like he did.

"Kaylee. Kasey. Could you act out this scene for the class?" Mr. Highland asks handing Kaylee and I a peice of paper that read:

Ex best friends

I almost laughed aloud. Kaylee and I used to be best friends until my brother took her from me.

"We used to be best friends. What happened?" I ask biting my lip.

"You changed." she responds making my mouth fall open.

"I changed? Really? Because if I do recall you're the one who broke all your promises you ever made." I snapped. I had been holding those feeling in for so long that now that they're finally out on the table I feel almost naked and exposed.

"Mr. Highland." Luke says sensing this. He gets out of his chair walking towards me.

"You're the one who started to hang out with the 'bad boys'. You changed Kasey!" She exclaims.

"You know what, I'm not the only one that changed! You started going out with my brother when you knew how I felt about that! You didnt care - " I pause before looking over at Ashton "and neither did you." I let all the tears I had been holding onto, go. I remember feeling like I was about to fall and when I did,  Ashton was surprisingly the one who caught me.

Panic attacks have always been horrible for me ever since I was little. First comes the tears and then I end up passing out, it's a nightmare.

However, I got used to them, most of the time I didn't feel anything until I woke up. When I wake up a horrible headache hits me making me want to throw-up.  Most of the people around me are more worried about me than I am about myself.

"She's awake. " I hear someone announce. I blink a few times before letting out a groan while I try to sit up. I notice Luke, Ashton and the Nurse, Dr. Deer standing over me.

"Thank heaven. Beaut's you've been out for sometime now." Luke says hugging me.

"What happened?" I ask. Ashton looks down.

"You broke." Luke whispers grabbing my hand.

"I knew it was coming," I whisper back biting my lip.

"I haven't seen you have one of those since 9th grade." Ashton says breaking the silence.

"I have them at home all the time." I respond looking up at him.

"I didn't know that."

"Funny what you miss when you don't pay attention." I tell him sighing.

"Ms. Irwin so happy you're awake." The nurse tells me smiling slightly. "You feeling well?"

"I'm fine." I respond turning my attention to her.

"You sure? That was a nasty fall you took." She says.

"I'm postive." I snap getting off the table leaning on Luke for support.

"Come on." Luke whispers in my ear before putting his hands on my waist to steady me.

"It's been a long time since I have had one of those spells." I tell him. He looks down at me and sighs.

"Like 3 months almost." He comments opening the door. "I thought you figured out a way to control it."

"I did." I had never told Luke, or anyone else ,what I do to cope. Luke would kill me if he knew.

"You just loss it?" he questions.

"Something like that." I admit shrugging.

"You are such a mystery." He tells me walking into our next class.

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