Chapter 15: I Love You.

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AN: Skipped to April xD

"Ashton!" I exclaim as he picks me up.

"Kasey!" He mocks. I giggle squirming out of his grip. Ashton had woken up less than a month ago, but he is back to banging on the drums in the garage. Needless to say he is the Ashton he was before the accident.

"Brook!" I call. "Get Ash!" Ashton and Kaylee had decided to go there separate ways. Why? I have no idea. But Ashton and Brook were even more friendly than ever now.

"Ashton! Leave your sister alone!" Brook yells. I roll my eyes as Luke comes out of my room. He looked so pale, but he had every reason to be nervous. Luke was going to purpose to Rachel today. And I have never been happier for both of them.

"Luke!" Brook calls out. "We leave in twenty minutes."

"I cant do this." he says looking right at me. "Kasey I think I am going to throw up or something,"

"You are fine." I tell him. "I promise."

"Kasey," Luke breathes out. "I cant."

"You can and you will, you know why?"


"Because I promise she will say yes. I promise you, you will live happily ever after. You will be the cutest couple. You and I both know it."

"Kasey," He mumbles. "Happy ever after doesn't happen."

"Bullshit," I say. "Do you love Rachel, Luke?"

"Yes. I love Rachel." Luke says looking at the ground.

"And she loves you," I knew that as a fact. Rachel always tell me about her and Luke and how she loves him. I find it really cute.

"Do you really think that?"

"You idiot, I know that."


Luke and I walk into the coffee shop side by side. Michael and Brook sit in the corner watching us.

"Rachel." Luke says approaching her table. She looks up in surprise closing her book.

"Luke! Kasey!" She says, "I thought you guys were busy today?"

"Well uh.. Luke has a question for you," I say looking over at Luke for help. He looks terrified.

"A question?" she asks "Luke, are you okay?"

"Just peachy." I hear him mumble. "Rachel.. we have been together for almost 6 months now, and I really love you."

"Luke," I mumble nudging him. "You're rambling, get to the point,"

"Rachel.. will you please marry me?"

"Yes!" she exclaims attacking him with a hug. "Yes."

I smile clapping my hands. Michael wraps his arms around me, "Would you be that happy if I purposed to you?"

"I'd be so speechless I'd probably cry."


"Kasey!" Brook yells, "Your medicine is here." After Ashton left the hospital, Michael had talked me into taking the anti-depression pills. I had been taking them ever since.

"Coming!" I yell. Luke meets me on the stairs with a hug. "What was that for?"

"Thank you."

"You're welcome?"

"Kasey. I couldn't have done it without you," I giggle bopping his nose. (AN: I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO THAT. )

"Yes you could've. But it was worth it." I tell him before running down the stairs.

"Glass of water and two pills." Brook says handing them both to me. I smile taking them from her. I cant say it has been easy stopping considering how long I have been cutting, but Michael is helping me through it. I'm getting better everyday, thanks to Michael.

"Michael's going to see Calum today." Devin tells me as she scrolls through her phone.

"He's what?" I question swallowing my water.

"He didn't tell you?" She questions. I shake my head grabbing my coat off the chair.

"No. He didn't." I say slipping on my shoes. I open the door and run out the front door.

"No way I'm letting you go alone." I hear a voice call behind me. I turn around to find Ashton standing at the front door.

"Why not?" I question.

"You might need someone there." he tells me coming towards my car. "And I have a lot to say to this asshole who tried to kill Kaylee and I."

"Get in the car." I tell him slamming my door.

"Kasey?" Ashton says catching my attention.


"You're shaking."

"I'm mad."


"He didn't tell me, Ashton!"

"Kasey, I'm sure he has his reasons."


Reasons? Reasons to not tell me he is going to see the asshole who tried to end my brothers life. I would love to hear these reasons.


"Yes, Ashton?"

"Keep an open mind."

"About what?"

"Why he's here." He say. I look over at him and slam the car door.

"Well he has explaining to do and quit alot."

"Michael loves you. You love Michael. Don't ruin what you guys have just because he kept visiting Calum from you," he tells me opening the door.

"Kasey?" Michael questions. I glare at him.

"Why the hell are you here?"

"Kasey." Ashton warns.

"To talk to Calum." he replies.

"Why?" I push.

"To tell him what he has caused both you and Ito go through. I need him to understand how mad he has made me."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I question. He gives me a look.

"Because of how you are taking it right now." he tells me getting out of his seat. "I love you, but damn Kasey."

"I'm sorry." I mumble.

"I believe its Kasey's time of the month." Ashton says.

"Shut up." I grown, "I'm just very emotional right now."

"Right now? You're always emotional, Kasey."

"I'll be in the car." I tell them. I push open the door walking out of the Correctional Facility. I hear footsteps behind me and next thing I know I'm being spun around.

"I love you." Michael tells me.

"I love you too." I reply looking up at him. "Just tell me next time."

"I will." he whispers kissing me softly. "Me. You. Ice Cream. And any TV show marathon you wanna watch. Tonight."

"Its a date."






-Princess Kelsey.

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