Chapter 4: Dicks Are Going To Be Dicks

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"Wakie wakie Kasey!" Luke yells in my ear making me nearly fall out of my bed. Luke grabs me before I could fall.

"Luke!" I groan burying my head into his chest.

"Sorry, but you need to get up and get ready." he tells me kissing my head.

"Can we just stay here. Please?" I beg moving closer to him.

"Don't you want to meet the new boy?"

"Not really." I answer rubbing my eyes.

"Come on I'll kiss you again." He says moving his hand up and down my skin.

"Oh really? Why would I want you to put your nasty little lips on me?" I tease pulling Luke out of bed with me. I was a few inches below his lips but if I stoop up on my tip-toes I could just touch his lips.



"I-I can I ask you a question?" he stutters. It still amazes me that I have that much control over Luke.


"You know I really love you, right?"

"Would it sound crazy if I said I love you too?"

"Not at all." Luke tells me leaning down so my lips were on his. His lips felt right on mine as if they moved in sync. I knew Luke and I had something, ever since we were kids.

"Now go down stairs and wait for me."

"Okay." He answers leaving one last kiss on my lips before exiting my room. I couldn't stop smiling all the while it took me to straighten my dyed red hair. After putting on on my makeup I close my eyes and take a deep breath to get myself composed and together, like I always did before school. I walk to my closet slowly grabbing my phone on the way. I unlock it and notice i had one notification from Facebook. Michael had accepted my friend request. I shake my head before closing out Facebook. I knew one thing, Michael had to be a dick like Calum and 'his crew' if Calum had interest in him already. I throw my phone onto the bed opening my closet. Sighing I pick out my outfit.. Which included: Luke's Ramones t-shirt that I had stolen from him a time ago, and my black knit leggings. The ideal outfit for a Monday morning at Ellis High.

"You ready?" Luke's voice appears in my ears making me turn away from my closet.

"Yeah." I tell him throwing my phone into my bag and grab my books.

"I like when you wear my clothes." he tells me smiling. I smile back walking past him.

"I know you do." I tease cutting off my bedroom light. Luke wraps his arms around me surprisingly making me cry out in surprise.

"Gotcha." he whispers kissing my neck before grabbing my hand. When we make it down the stairs I sigh opening the fridge, pulling out a cup of yogurt. Luke hands me a spoon before urging me outside.

My eyes hurt as I walk into the school throwing my trash into the trash can. I lean my head on Luke trying to keep my eyes open, I literally hate when this happens to me. As we make our way to our lockers I notice Calum standing with a boy. They both had their backs turned but I could tell that was the new boy. The boy, Michael, had red hair and not like a normal color red like natural red heads. His hair is actually the crayon color red. He had on pants that were purple on one side and checkered on the other. Even from the back he looked like someone you didn't want to mess with.

"Oh look the love birds finally decide to show up." Calum says turning to greet us. Luke rolls his eyes before slipping his hand into my back pocket. "This is Michael."

"Michael huh.. well I'm Luke." Luke says.

"The names Kasey." I say flashing him a smile.

"I have a bet on the two of them, they are going to end up together at some point this year." Calum says looking over at Michael. He looked extremely confused. So Calum explains, "Little Kasey here isn't the prettiest girl in school but you know, she's cute."

"Aw Calum. You back to being your usual bitchy self again?" I counter. That certainly isn't the first time Calum had implied I was ugly so I try not to let it phase me anymore.

"I'm always a bitch, my friend." he snaps coming closer to me. Luke steps in front of me pushing me back alittle.

"I think she's pretty damn beautiful." Michael says catching us off guard. It was one thing for him to take up for me, but an whole other for him to call me beautiful.

"Thank you." I tell him breaking the newly formed silence. He doesn't say anything to me, he just nods before walking off down the hallway. Calum looks at me for a moment before he turns away walking after Michael.

"Well I like him already." Luke tells me smiling softly.

"Me too," I whisper opening my locker.

"Don't let Calum get to you Beaut's. You are beautiful." Luke tells me. I shake my head before closing my locker walking towards our first period. I hear Luke sigh before walking slowly behind me.

"Ms. Irwin its great to see you." Mr. Highland says. I flash him a fake smile taking my seat. Luke sits beside me. He looks over at me constantly. One time I meet his eyes trying to smile the least bit, but it wasn't working.

 By lunch I felt like killing myself, because of Calum and his smart mouth. He just wanted to talk bad about me and like an idiot I stand there trying not to smack him.

"Want something to eat?" Luke asks. I shake my head no. He sighs shaking his head moving past me. I sit down and stare at the table, shortly after I hear Calum, 'his crew' and Michael sit down. Luke comes over and sits beside me putting his hand on my thigh.

"I love you okay?" he whispers kissing my temple.

"I love you." I whisper back meeting his eyes. He smiles widely as Calum turns to us.

"Oh look Kasey's not eating." He says. Shortly after he looks over at 'his crew' and whispers, "Good I think she could miss a meal or two." My breath catches in my throat as Michael and Luke both look over at him. I can feel Luke tease up as he removes his hand from my leg and stands up. I make a b-line for the cafeteria doors. Calum was in fact an asshole but he had never been like this to me. Before I knew what I was doing I ran straight out of school. I knew exactly where I was heading and no one would be able to stop me.

I had never lived very far from school so it took me no time to run all the way to my house. I pull out my keys and unlock the door, slamming and locking it behind me. I ran up the stairs and start into the bathroom.

I rummage through my drawers until I finally found my razor. I take a deep breath rolling up my sleeves. All I could feel was my phone vibrating in my pocket. I pull out my phone placing it on the counter. Luke's picture pops up making me stop in my tracks. The picture was of Luke and I last December, we were standing out in the snow, and Luke had his face bared in my neck. I had the biggest smile on my face you had ever seen before, especially on me. I let out a sob sliding down the wall throwing the razor across the room. I couldn't do it.

Authors note: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! baha

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