Chapter Four-Becca

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Hello, Lovelies,

Thank you for joining me.  Thank you for reading Lance and Becca's story.  I am still trying to get used to the school schedule again.  My children are back in school so in case you didn't know I won't be updating at around midnight like I was during the Summer.  I will be updating around this time every day.  During school days, I have to attempt sleep.  It doesn't always work out but I try.  

News:  I have great news.  A few weeks ago, I told you that Sparked won 3rd place in The Summer Awards 2019 in paranormal/horror category.  Well, they judged the other category I was in.  The vampire/werewolf genre.  Burned won 2nd place in that!!!  Also, I won a quote mini-contest in The Work of Heart Awards.  Both are great contests.  I want to thank the judges.  Also, I did start my blog.  It is still new but if you want to check that out, it's at  

I hope you enjoy this chapter.  If you do, please consider voting.  Comments have pushed me through the hard times.  So, they are deeply appreciated.  If you have any question, comment or send me a message.

-XXXX Amanda


I fell asleep hoping that I didn't have a naughty dream about Lance when he was so close. Warmth wrapped around me as I was falling into the darkness of slumber making me feel safe until I awoke to my phone going off on the bedside table. I moaned not wanting to move.

"Do that again so I have an accurate example for my dreams," Lance said right into my ear. I opened my eyes realizing why I was so warm. Lance had his arms wrapped around me. I pushed him away as he chuckled when my face turned red and grabbed my phone.

I frowned as I saw my friend, Carina's name flashing across the screen. I had asked her to pack up my things and Lance had gotten his brother, Gideon to help.

I pushed the answer call button with dread settling into the pit of my stomach. Carina's voice came over the line in a panic as soon as I answered.

"Becca," she said, her voice trembling.

"Carina, what's wrong?" I asked as Lance sat up in bed, his eyes darkening in worry, all playfulness fading from his expression.

"I went to your house," She said, her voice tumbling over the words, "I arrived before Gideon, so I decided to go ahead and start packing your things into boxes but then, Linc showed up."

I froze, my breaths halting as scenarios of what he could have done played through my mind, "What did he do?"

"He went fucking crazy," Carina said as a sob broke from her throat, "He was saying you weren't leaving and when I continued to pack your things, he attacked me. He was strangling me when Gideon got here and he turned his attention to him. Gideon beat the hell out of him. The police came. Linc is in jail but we were able to get the rest of your things but I'm worried because he threatened you as they were putting him in the back of an ambulance."

I shook my head because it wasn't the first time I had dealt with an abusive ex. The guy I had dated before Linc hadn't been nice either but at least he left me alone after we broke up.

"Are you okay?" I whispered, hating I had put her in that situation.

"I am...Thanks to Gideon but Becca, Linc isn't going to leave you alone just because you left him or this house," she said, the panic edging in her voice, "He made that clear."

I glanced at Lance finding him listening with quiet rage settling over his features, "I'll be okay," I whispered.

"This isn't like the other guy," she said and I winced as Lance's head popped up, his eyes widening as the heat of his anger sank into them, "He's not going to stop."

"I'll take care of it," I said, hating the way Linc had made my friends worry about me and hating that he had hurt Carina.

"Just promise me that you'll be careful," she pleaded as a sob rose in her throat.

"Of course, I will," I said, swallowing, "Is Gideon okay?"

"Pissed but fine," Carina said, her words edging with frustration, "Becca, worry about yourself. Quit worrying about us for now. I'm really terrified of what Linc is going to do to you."

"Okay," I said, realizing it was the only way to calm her, "I'll be careful. Lance is with me. We'll be there sometime this afternoon."

Carina hung up the phone. I could feel Lance's eyes on me. His rage at Linc was palpable in the hotel room making it seem as if the room was shrinking.

His silence was making it even more suffocating, "Say something."

He gritted his teeth, "This wasn't the first time a man put his hands on you, was it?"

I shook my head, "No," I said, my heart sinking, "I guess Barrett was my one good decision."

Lance shook his head as he reached forward, his fingertips skimming the bruise on my cheek, "No man should hurt you," he whispered, softly, his eyes darkening in pain, "If they're going to touch you, it should be a touch filled with care and love and kindness. Their touches should show exactly how precious you are. If they don't, they are not worth your time."

His touch...His voice caused my heart to stutter as a tear fell down my cheek, "Why are you crying?"

"Because maybe I'm not precious," I said, taking a shaky breath, "Maybe I'm not worthy."

"No, Becca," he said, his eyes moving over my face, "They aren't worthy."

My bottom lip trembled, "Lance, I'm a complete wreck," I said, my jaw trembling, "No one will ever see me as precious...Not after Barrett. I have too much baggage. I'm broken."

Something cracked behind his eyes and I inhaled sharply, "You are not broken. You are perfect."

He had said that I was perfect before but now, it seemed different. My heart tripled in speed as he continued, "You looked for love. I understand that. I understand you're lonely...But maybe you are looking in the wrong place. Maybe you aren't looking at what is right in front of you."

My eyes widened as I realized what he was saying, "Lance..."

"Don't try to talk me out of how I feel about you," he said, his thumb skimming my bottom lip, "Do you want to know the real reason I quit sleeping with all of those girls? It's simple. It's because I want you. I want you more than I have ever wanted anyone. That's the reason why I'm helping you because I actually care about you. You tried with those assholes. Try with me. Let me show you what it's like to be cared for...Truly cared for."

"I don't want to lose your friendship," I whispered but he smiled.

"You will never lose that," he said as a sigh broke from his lips, "I've never cared about someone as much as I care about you. If my friendship is all you want, that's what you'll have but I really want you to give me a chance for something more."

A tear dropped down my cheek, "I'm afraid," I said, wishing I didn't have to admit it because Lance was someone I could fall in love with and if I did and something happened it would destroy me.

"I'm afraid too," he whispered, his blue eyes shadowing before brightening again, "But you're worth the chance that it could be wonderful."

He stared at me waiting for me to decide if he was worth the same chance. The vulnerability flashing across his face pulled me closer and made the decision for me as I leaned forward and did one of the things I had dreamed about and pressed my lips against his.

He pulled me close, wrapping me in his embrace as I gave in trying to push away the fear this would end in disaster.

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