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"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea..." I mumble-hummed under my breath.

"Will you shut up?" Skylar bitched at me.

"I can't help it. It calms my nerves."

"Well, it's getting on my nerves."

I turned on my heels to face her, "Too bad, oh so sa—" I turn my head back forward and was faced with a locker, no matter how wide my eyes got, all I could see was blue steel. Oh my god! I almost got hit in the face with a locker. I carefully walked away, trying to wake myself up from my dazed state.

Thankfully, no one notices anything in high school. Except for my best friend who was currently laughing, "You almost got hit in the face!" Thanks, bitch. "You looked like headlights caught on a deer!" Her laughing state was definitely cutting oxygen off from her head.

"It's a deer caught in headlights," I stated blandly. Her look of amusement shifted to a grimace. I shrugged as I twisted my lock combo, "Don't blame me if your head can't process a simple metaphor."

"Ya know, I hate when you do the whole I'm smarter than you thing."

"Not a thing, it's a fact." She gave me her usual bored expression and I sent her a smile.

I started humming the Spongebob theme again when I opened my locker and CrAsH!. My head immediately turned to the right and found someone rubbing his forehead. "That's some major foreshadowing." My best friend's voice brings me back to reality.

Realization hits. "Holy shit! Fucking shit! Shit! Fuck! I'm— shit I'm so sorry!"

The hand covering his face moves away and goddamnit he was cute: nice face shape, ruffled hair, sparkling eyes. Other than that, he was also pissed. Pissed until his eyes gave me a once over and his features seemed to soften.

At that very moment, I realized I've been staring at his face for too long; he realized it too when he caught my eye. I also realized why I've never spoken to anyone even mildly attractive before. I tried to get my eyes away from his gaze but instead met his chest. Bad idea. I tried looking back at his face. Still a bad idea. Till I found a particular spot on the floor that seemed to peak my interests. "Are you okay?" I say barely glancing at him.

"Yeah, I'm good. You're okay." Even his voice was attractive.

"Okay great."

"But you did hit me in the face with a locker so the least you could do is walk me to the nurse."

"I— why do I— do you have a concussion or something?"

"Nope but I might need some ice."

"Um..." Class starts in a few minutes, but I could really care less about a few minutes of class. Yet if I spend another minute in this guy's presence, I may lose the ability to speak.

"Come on! You're friend already ran off for class,"

"She did?" That bitch.

" —and it's the least you could do." He was making this puppy dog look which sadly, matched with my guilt, had me walking by his side to the nurse.

I was zigzagging my way through the hallway, while he walked at a snail's pace. A slow walker: the bane of my existence. When I was by his side, I assumed he attempted to make small talk but there's only so much you can hear when a few thousand other people are talking.

All I could make out was a name, "What?" Did he say his name? I should really start paying more attention.

"Your name?"

"Mally, oh and there's the nurse. I'll just—"

I ran over to the door, patiently waiting for whatever his name is. I stood at the door, keeping it open.

When he made it inside, he announced he just needed an ice pack and be on his merry way. The nurse proceeded to get the ice pack and ask what happened.

"She hit me in the face with a locker." His head nodding over to me. His voice, blunt.

The nurse sent me a disapproving look.

"It was an accident!"

Her face remained unchanged. "You kids should be more careful."

"How careful can you be when you're trapped in a prison with hormonal teenagers?" I mumbled.

The guy snickered. Shit! Did I say that too loud? I must've from the nurse's appalled look at me. I tried giving her my best "I'm sorry" smile. She didn't take it.

"Anyways, thank you so much but we better be heading back to class." He pulled the door open, letting me walk through first.

I was in the hallway, no students, no nurses, and no him. It felt like I could finally breathe.

"Mally wait up!" That lasted a nanosecond. Now I'll be holding my breath for the rest of my life. He jogged over to my side, "You looked like you were trying to get away from me."

Oh, I'd never want you to think that now would I? "Oh! Sorry, my bad. I just have this weird urge to actually get to class."

"Never heard that before."

"I'm very serious about my education." You can ask my bag of unfinished homework about it.

"Yeah, you look the type."

"Type?" Type of what? Type of vegetable? Do I look like asparagus?

"Like a good girl."

I stopped so I could face him. In my most genuine voice possible I said, "Thank you."

He looked surprised, "Usually, girls are offended by that."

"If it's either that and being called a backstabbing bitch." I chuckled.

He looked down and let out a small laugh. His smile is amazing. Before we knew it, we were by his class.

"Sorry again—for hitting you in the face"

"It's fine. Just don't do it again" he said with a smile.

"By the way... what's your name?"

"Sean...Sean Dolan"

Wow...what a fuckboy name...

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