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I was in class using my free time reading the diary while waiting for my next assignment. It wasn't much about anything that is important It was mainly about her favorite book. Out of nowhere, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Someone help! I'm being stabbed! My eyes went wide as I felt something come down. Shit. I'm on my period. I walk up to the teacher and ask him if I can go to the bathroom.

"I don't know can you?"

I swear I hate it when he says that. I glance at the clock, there are only three minutes left of class, and it's not like anything worthwhile is going to happen. Seeing as all the circumstances said why not? It's probably the reason I said, "Yeah. I can."

I packed all of my belongings and dashed to the bathroom. The teacher didn't run after me, thankfully.

I did my business and left the stall and I ended up facing him...


"I should be asking you that." He just started smiling really weirdly.

I looked over at the bathroom door. There are urinals in this bathroom... Shit. I was in the boys' room. I just walked past Sean leaving, when he ran in front of me closing the door, locking it. I stepped back, hoping he would move away from the door, so I can escape.

"Dani, you know you're really pretty?"

I just said thank you and tried to push him away from the door. He pushed me back and I fell on the floor. As I was getting up, I heard the bell ring.

"You're lucky the bell rang." Lucky? Why the fuck is he saying LUCKY?! He opened the door and let me escape.

I heard footsteps behind me and the next thing you know he's next to me. I didn't say anything and just kept walking, leaving tension between us. I was walking into my class when he pulled my arm, forcing me to face him.

"Look, the truth is, I really like you. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier. I just don't know how to talk to you...well, you know."

"Yeah. I'm gonna be honest you are-" The bell rang. "What period do you have lunch?


"Ugh. Just text me. (773-690-0899)" I instantly regret saying that.

"Okay. Bye"

I walk inside Physics class and everyone is just doing work. I sit in the back of the class, in the last desk, in the last row, in the far corner. I'm not really a sociable person. Everyone knows me as the girl whose sister committed suicide. So, I just stopped talking to people. The only person I talk to is Schyler, which I plan on dropping because she's been a bitch lately, and now Sean, sorta.

I just started reading the diary because I have nothing else to do.


Dear diary

I just came out to my parents and mom was so proud of me. She immediately took me to a lot of stores, like Hot Topic and got me a lot of pride. She also ordered me a flag. I have the best mom in the world. Dad, I guess didn't approve. He left this dirty ass note and I swear I hate him. He for real divorced mom because of me. Dani just thinks that he left her because he went for a 25-year-old named "Cinnamon" or something. I just don't want him back in my life once he sees that I'm doing really good in life and he's single and lonely.

I saw the note behind the page I was reading.

"Marrisa, I love you, but I can't be with you if you support Mally for being Pan. I'm not homophobic, but I don't want OUR daughter to date girls, or guys that want to be girls. It's not normal for girls to date other girls. I will still pay child support for Dani, but you can forget about Mally. She is a sin that you made. I can't live with her when she's like this."

I always kinda knew dad was an asshole. I never see him because he is apparently busy all the time. He wasn't even there for me when Mally died. He didn't even go to her funeral. Like...she was your daughter. She was still the same person. She could've married a guy and had a family as you wanted.

The five-minute bell had rung and I just walked out of the room. I don't get in trouble because all of my teachers think I'm still grieving over Mally. Am I still very upset? Yeah. But I wasn't in tears 24/7. I've learned that you have to move on in life to survive it.

I walk into the cafeteria and just sit down in the same, dark, corner I always sit in. No one bothers to even sit at the same table. I don't want them sitting next to me, but at least sit at the table away from me. These tables are long as shit and I have one all to myself.

Suddenly, the bell rings, and I just hurry to get my lunch, today was boneless wings, and sit down. When I'm done, I slide my tray away from me and put my head down. A few seconds later, I hear someone sit next to me, really close to me. I look up and it's just Sean.

"Sorry I didn't text you, I couldn't have my phone out."

I really didn't want him to text me anyway.

"...but from earlier, I really like you. I know we haven't been hanging out, getting to know each other, and you probably think that I'm the reason she did what she did. Just know, if you wanna hear what really happened, I will tell you."

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"I want to hear what happened, so just come over later. My mom wouldn't mind. She is still depressed."

"Ok. What's it like?"

I was soo lost. "What's what like?"

"What's it like to get over shit so fast?" His facial expression was a combo of anger and concerned.

I just kept my mouth shut, scared that I was gonna say something wrong. I don't know why, but anytime someone asks me that-. My thought was lost when I finally realized Sean was waving his hand in my face. I turned to face him and just said something so stupid. Something I would've never said in one-million years.

"Wanna ditch?"

He looked surprised. "Wow, a nice, innocent girl who is always in class on time wants to ditch?"

"I'm not Mally." I chucked. "I'm the complete opposite of her," I say standing up. "Let's go. You in?"

He picks up his bag and follows me to the parking lot. He runs over to his car and gets in. I get in the passenger's seat and look around. This is actually not bad for a guy. I know all guys are serious about their cars, but this one was classy. He started to drive, asking me for directions to my place. I said where to turn and stuff, and we are here. My mom's car was gone, so I'm guessing she went to work. I take my keys out of my pocket and opened the door. I ran upstairs to my room with him trailing behind me and sat on my beanbag. He put his stuff down and sat on the floor in front of me.

"Here's the story." He said sitting up.

"Do you swear that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?" I put my right hand up.

"I do." He put his right hand up. "So here's everything that happened."

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