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"What is it that I hear about you assaulting someone?"

Principal Smiles was exactly the type of principal his name suggested. Somewhat of a pushover but honestly a decent principal, he actually knew your names and everything. He also kinda looked like Eddie—Isaac? Allan? IAN! Ian from Alvin and the Chipmunks. It's not an insult at all, seriously.

"I assaulted Skylar," I stated. "There's no point in denying it." I crossed my arms and leaned back in the chair.

Smiles leaned back and crossed his arms, mirroring my behavior. Thanks to sociology class, I understood exactly what he was doing. It was kinda useless if you ask me. Attempting to get me to open up wasn't exactly going to be as easy as uncrossing your arms.

"And why did you do that?"

"Because she deserved it." He didn't give a judging look at all, he is playing good cop so he can't really judge. Instead, he nodded his head to show he was listening and thinking.

"Why do you think she deserved it?"

I didn't answer. But I didn't let my eyes waver either.

"Is it because of your sister?"

Huh. He had the balls to mention her.

"Dani... we know you've been struggling but this is—" Unacceptable behavior. Blah blah. Respect your fellow students and don't go around attacking people.

I couldn't tell what he was saying in between but I could take a good guess. Obviously, he was trying to get through to me, you could see from the fact that he was leaning in with his arms out in front of him. But I was still blocked off.

"I'm sorry, but we're going to have to suspend you." Called it.

"Cool. How long?"

He looked confused. "Three days. We're also calling your parents to—"

"To pick me up, so I'll just wait out in the office till my mom comes and picks me up. But I'll save you some time, don't call my dad, he's not even living in this city anymore."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Great." I walked out and sat back on the office chair. After I dropped my bag onto the floor, I started to search for my headphones. Either my bag swallowed my headphones so deep inside that they disappeared, or I forgot to bring them. I still tried clawing books and folders out of my bad to get to anything that looked like a white cord. But there wasn't anything, I let go of my bag and hunched back in my chair.

"Are you okay?" I turn to my right and it's that girl I met the other day. Mally. There was actually no chance in hell that I would ever meet a girl with the same name as my sister, or so I thought till I met her. Fate just loved fucking with my head.

"Not one bit."

"I heard you got into a fight."

"You heard right."

"Can I ask why?"

"You should already now. How long have you lived her?"

"Barely a week."

"That's enough time, so you can cut the crap. Just go on and say it."

She looked a little scared of me, but I didn't blame her. "Students here mentioned you have a sister."

"Had." I turned to her. "I had a sister."

"Yeah... that."

"The girl I had a fight with, she was her best friend. But turns out she was a complete bitch and didn't care about her at all."

"I'm really sorry to hear that." She says, because that's what people say when they hear something sad. They apologize.

I try to smile a little. "Thanks."

"If you ask me, I think she deserved it."

I raised an eyebrow at her. If she knew about my sister then she definitely knew about how much of a devil Skylar was. But I didn't expect her to say it out loud.

"I mean." She scoots closer till she stops at the seat next to me, moving in. "She doesn't seem like a good person."

"And you are absolutely right. She isn't a good person. She got all up in Mally's face because this guy liked her instead of Skylar. Like...what friend  does that? If she was her real friend, she would be happy that one of them got the stupid guy. If it were Mally, she would be happy for them and move on."

She just looked at me with a blank expression. She looked like she wanted to say something, but she's holding it in. I went back digging through my bag, looking for my headphones. I still couldn't find them, even if my life depended on it. I got up and swung my bad over my shoulders.

"I gotta go. I'm suspended for a few days." 

"Ok. I'll fill you in on the notes for when you get back." She gave me that little smile people do when they are trying to be nice. I kinda annoyed me on how I'm giving her a bitchy attitude and she's still being nice to me. 

I walked out the main doors and saw mom's car in the front. I get in the passenger's seat and stay quiet. Mom just drove off without saying anything. That's the first...she would usually give me those soft talks about how I shouldn't be getting in this much trouble and how it would affect my school life. 

The car ride was silent. I was just on my phone reading this new book on Wattpad called, I fell in Love with a Fuckboy. The story name is pretty self explanatory.  Out of nowhere mom spoke.

"What happened this time with Skylar?" she rubbed her right hand back and forth on my thigh. Her eyes were still deeply focused on the road.

"She was talking shit, so I beat her up." I moved my thigh away from the touch of her hand. I looked out the window and saw that we had stopped at McDonald's. It's my favorite fast food restaurant other than Wendy's. I got out the car, walked in the restaurant, and sat down at a booth. I was waiting for mom to come back with my McFlurry and Caramel Frappe and give me that Mother/Daughter talk.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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