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I was reading Mally's diary and found the pages I was on were wrinkly like it'd been wet. It was filled with the aftermath of sleeping with Sean and... my sister was too nice for her own good and I was realizing just how far she went to not cause any problems. But the problems weren't even caused by her.


Sean broke up with me. I guess I should've realized that when he started to ignore me, I could've been in his face yelling but he wouldn't hear me. Everyone else on the other hand always saw me, especially Skylar. I was her friend, I tried so hard to be her friend. I brushed off any insult she said to me or anyone else because I was her friend. I shouldn't have been doing that

I was barely ever myself in Ridgewood, but I never caused any real problems. I never tried to hurt anyone, I didn't do anything wrong. So why do I have my ex-friend torturing me just because it's the cool new trend? And did the boy I thought I liked do this? Let's hope I get through sophomore year unscathed, I deserve that much. At least I think I deserve that much. I'm not so sure anymore.

She was breaking and it was everyone at this schools fault.


"Everyone get out of my class," the teacher announced.

I swung my bag over my shoulder and immediately started walking to the bathroom. I didn't know where Sean was but I sure as hell knew Skylar was always around the bathroom, no matter what floor she was on or what class was next, she'd always find some way to get to the bathroom. I use to see my sister and Skylar hanging out at the entrance, usually crowded by other girls with long nail extensions, plumped up lips, and barely any clothes on. Now not all people who dress like that are fake bitches, it's just that fake bitches always seem to dress like that.

Mally never told me why she hung around there, but I assumed it was to make fun of girls with bulimia, like Bette Winters. Being hospitalized doesn't even stop a side joke, a side joke that's wrapped in an insult. If there's an odd girl out who shows the tiniest bit of insecurity or difference, Skylar'd torment them. Which brings to question how my sister got in her good graces for that long because of how insecure she always seemed. Now it makes sense. Mally wasn't friends with Skylar, she was Skylar's pet, her clown. She was used for entertainment or maybe to make herself feel better of-

"How much of a crappy bitch are you?!" I yelled.

Everyone in the hall who could hear me looked shocked, some even started to take their phones out. Skylar looked disgusted. Probably on the fact that I even attempted to come in contact with her a second time this week.

"Excuse me?" Her voice was nasally and hearing it was like my very own sound of nails on a chalkboard. You know when you see someone's face and just think, if I could kill this son of a bitch right fucking now? Imagine that times a thousand.

I stepped closer to her and the little side whores backed off. "Excuse you? You don't get to be fucking excused for what you fucking did to Mally!"

She laid her hands on her waist and glared at me. "I didn't do anything to her. Anything that slut got was well deserved, it's not my fault she was too much of a fucking coward to handle it."

Everyone looked shocked by what she said, they were all dumb teenagers but no one had ever even attempted to mention Mally since she died.

Tears started to swell from my eyes but I stood my ground. I want to kill this bitch. Out of my pure lack of impulse control, I lunge at her and we hit the ground.

My hands find my way around her throat but she grabs onto my hair so hard I almost thought I heard some of it rip out of my head. My hand unclench around her neck to grab at her hand pulling my hair, and as my head is being pulled back, she slaps me in the face, the impact causing me to tip over enough for her to get up.

She tries to soothe her throat with her hand and scratchily she screams, "You psychotic bitch!" Her throat may hurt but she still doesn't get it, my sister killed herself because of her and a bruised throat doesn't even compare to that.

I get up from the floor, my scalp felt like it was bleeding and my cheek was burning, but I took one look at Skylar and it all faded away. All I felt was feral and I punched her in the face.

"Dani! What are you doing!?" Of course, the chances of Ms. Jones walking in while I punch a student decided increase. Bad luck is a bitch.

"Um..." I must've missed the crack because Skylar's head is titled up and her eyes are watery when I look back at her. Not to mention the blood, which also coated my knuckles.

"Principal's office. Now." I didn't bother trying to argue, I did just assault someone, except she deserved it. But I'm not sure adults really get that, which is why I'll be the one suspended.

I walk to the office with Ms. Jones shadowing me from behind, while Skylar is taken to the nurse. When I make it to the office, I sit at one of the chairs outside of the principal's room and wait as Ms. Jones explains my predicament to him. I start to feel my hand get sore from my punch. The adrenaline must be wearing out because I felt terrible. I brushed my hand through my hair and found that I was actually bleeding, so I grabbed the tissue box laying on the counter in front of me in an attempt to clean off all this blood. Once the garbage was filled with bloody tissues, the principal called me in.

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