April in trouble

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April's POV

After hanging out with Casey in the ice rink, I was making my way home, which was the lair since I was still leaving with the turtles. 

It was dark and very empty, Casey even asked if I needed company but I insisted that I didn't. 

I was a block away from the sewer when my head started to hurt, someone was following me. I looked back and saw nobody and kept walking. But as soon as I turned a corner someone jumped in front of me.....

It was a Footbot with many others jumping after him. I feel back and tried to fight them I was getting punched and hurt but managed to take out all of them, I knelled down so I could catch my breath, but as soon as I did I saw that the fight wasn't over as Karai landed right in front of me and started to attack. I was beated up and felt weak but I continued fighting, she punched me throwing me around like a hag doll, she started asking, why I was so special, protected by the turtles and the kraang trying to capture me, honestly I didn't even know it my self. 

As she held me to the ground trying to hit me some more I mentioned that I had lost my mother and as soon as I said those words she had her guard down and I took the advantage and throw her down the stairs that went down to the subway which was just behind us. 

As soon as she was gone I tried running as fast as possible, trying to call the turtles. But sure enough as soon as I took of my T-phone a ninja star hit it an it fell off my hands, I look back and saw that someone else was now chasing after me, and when I saw who it was I couldn't do anything else but run as fast I could it was.....

SHREDDER, I knew I was done, I could barely run and so he grabbed me and throw me against the wall, saying " I believed you are the one the kraang need, well if I hand you over to them they will help me finish your master ". 

He looks over to the foot bots on the floor and says, " It seems that I have to do everything myself..." As he as coming towards e I stood up and tried to fight sure enough I was being hurt some more. All I did was scream, It was all I could do, everything hurted I couldn't take it anymore, so when I had the opportunity I kicked shredder on the head, knocking his helmet off, his face was terrifying but I didn't see it for long as he ran back to retrieve his helmet. I took this opportunity to hide, and I did just behind  the dust bin. I though that I was finished as he started walking towards me, but then I remembered the smoke bomb that donnie had given to me, I throw it at the ground and when I opened my eyes I was in the sewers.

I stood up but my legs could barely stand the weight of my body, so I started walking slowing leaning against the wall, making my way to the lair. As soon as I got there I saw Mikey and Raph watching one of their shows, Leo talking to master splinter and Donnie using his computer, he looked over to me and said, "Hey April, are you okay?", beginning to get worried, soon everyone was looking at me and my legs gave up and I fell to my knees.

Donnie and the others ran quickly to my side, Donnie picked up my head and saw how I looked, he seemed shocked and terrified at what he saw, probably at how beaten up I looked. He then asked "What harped!!???".

I was almost fading away and was only able to say......Foot bots......Karai.......Shredder and everything was dark.

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