The Rescue

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April's POV

It was dark, I was alone I couldn't see anything in range, and then suddenly an image appeared flashing into my mind, it was Donnie and someone else. I couldn't tell who but I could see that they were fighting and that Donnie was getting hurt. Images just kept flashing of Donnie getting punched and kicked, but one showed me........Shredder. "Oh no..."

I shoot up, as I screamed "Donnie!", I was trying to catch my breath while the turtles and splinter quickly came to me. 

"April, Whats wrong?" Asked Splinter. I was trying to get my thoughts back together again, and soon everything became clear. "Donnie went to face Shredder!" I said. Everyone was surprised and Leo quickly giving a response, "We have to go after him!", he said determined. I though the same and all the others agreed, except master splinter who seemed uneasy on the fast decision.

"Care full Leonardo, Shredder is always prepared, he probably is expecting us...", said splinter

"It doesn't matter Donnie is in trouble we have to go help!". I said, as I set up ready to go, but Leo stopped me. "April you have to is to dangerous and you are not properly heeled yet."

"I don't care Donnie went there because of me, he is getting hurt because of me...I have to go help, besides you will need all the help you can get." I said. "OK, but we must hurry", said Leo

As we were running out, splinter said "Wait!". If you are facing Shredder like this I should go as well to help....". And as we all nodded we headed out of the sewers towards Shredders lair.

"We are on our way Donnie, just hang on...."

Keeping her safe (April and Donnie)Where stories live. Discover now