Donnies' Rage

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Donnie's POV

It was 2pm I was still working on a cure to help April heal faster, honestly I was exhausted but I just wanted her to feel better it broke my heart to see her in such pain like that and then I heard a scream...

"April!!!" I screamed and ran towards the living room where she was resting, soon my bothers and master splinter joined me.

"What is wrong with her?!?!!" asked Mikey

"She is having a nightmare!!" I said while shaking her trying to make her wake up

"April!!!, come on April wake up!!!" I screamed she was in pain and terrified and I couldn't do anything about it.

Soon she opened her eyes shooting up to a sitting position, she was breathing fast as if still terrified by what she saw. Then she started to cry, I hugged her saying, "Everything is alright now you are safe, "I am here" she hugged me tighter making my heart break even more. 

My thoughts were field with anger Shredder made her suffer like this, I can't stand the though of this happening again, I needed to take action, I needed revenge...... I did not mention this to the others as I knew they would disagree with my actions....I was going to do this alone and end Shredder once and for all.

As April started to calm down I laid her down so that she could go back to sleep as she was still very weak. Everyone went back to bed, but I was going to stay there until she fell a sleep. 

When she finally fell a sleep I kissed her on the cheek and left saying "Down't worry April, no one will ever hurt you again..." walking away into my room to prepare to leave to face Shredder.

I took some smoke bombs and a grappling hook, and then I took off making no noise so that no one would wake up. I left the lair heading to face Shredder to make him pay to what he had done to my April.

Keeping her safe (April and Donnie)Where stories live. Discover now