Plan gone wrong

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Donnie's POV        

I had reached Shredders lair, I have a brilliant plan that would work perfectly if everything occurred as I expected. I first took out the Footbots that where guarding outside and then the ones inside carefully and slowly with out any noise so that shredder would not notice I was there and I would be able to take him when he was of guard.

I quickly went to where he usually is and was ready to take him down by surprise. But when I reached the center of the room, I was shocked and angered, in my graph I reached the clear conclusion that he would be here and he wasn't, From then on my plan was entirely gone and this only got worst.

As I looked around the room, I heard a evil laugh suddenly to door quickly slammed shut and I heard someone move to the other side of the room.

"I was expecting you........ but honestly I though the others would show up as well" I recognized that voice it was shredder.

"Where are the other turtles, and Splinter?" Shredder said, "Are they hiding waiting to attack me when my guard is down?"

"No, I came alone......"I said, "I came to do to you what you did to April"

"Oh yes April O'Neil she was part of my plan, but when she managed to escape I had to quickly think of something else that would bring Splinter to me, and it seems that you are just the right thing to do that" he said

"I know the others will come for you and since I had defeated the other Turtles before Splinter will have to come to retrieve you and when he does I will finish what we started years ago." he said 

"They don't know that I am here.....I will defeat you on my own..." I was interrupted as he punched right on the stomach

"Stupid Turtle, you really believe you can defeat me, risking your life for what....Get revenge on me by almost killing your girlfriend??" he said "Do you actually think you have a shoot with her?, well that won't matter soon I will able to finally get her and hand her over to the Kraang so that they can give me what I want."

I tried holding back the tears and charged towards him.

Keeping her safe (April and Donnie)Where stories live. Discover now