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April's POV

Everything was going wrong, the plan had failed. And now I was trying to fight of the kraang.There were so many of them I couldn't possibly do it, but as soon as I was about to get taken a staff, hitting the kraang sending his head flying of hum and it falling to the ground. It was Donnie I looked at him in relief but that didn't last very long as more kraang were attacking.

We seemed to be fighting for so long but finally managed to defeat them all and so had the others, except for Splinter who was still fighting Shredder and by the looks of it he was losing, as Shredder threw him easily across the room. Filled with rage the turtles and I ran towards Shredder. 

We tried fighting him, but he easily took us out one, by one. All being beaten up and faling to the ground, as we were unable to fight anymore. Splinter was down, and so were we......

Donnie was the only one left, he was standing up weak, but strong ready to fight, but easily Shredder got him on the ground.

"My plan has succeeded, and now all it is left is to hand your friend over to the kraang and finish you all one by one...."He said walking toward Donnie. "Why not start with you!"

I tried getting up, I had to stop him, but I failed I looked in fear at the horrific scene, as Shredder was ready to stab Donnie. "NO!" I screamed and with that I heard a scream.......

Keeping her safe (April and Donnie)Where stories live. Discover now