7. We are all Adults Here

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He couldn't tell me over the phone. So I made a plan to meet with him. I want to know why. I slowly rose out of the bed to hop the showered. I put on pink outfit which was leggings and a sweater. I put on my fuzzy black boots.

"Alright mom, I'm going to Starbucks do you want anything?"

"Yes message me when you are going to leave, take my car. Please be safe." She said hugging me.

"I will mom. I'll always be safe for you." I hugged her back smiling.

I took her keys getting into the 2012 silver Toyota Camry. I started it going to the nearest Starbucks which was actually pretty big, he made me drive all the way to Queens, he better have some damn gas money. I parked in the space and walking in the air conditioned room. I scanned the room to see his black hair. I walked over to the booth with my heart pounding up against my chest.

"Hey, I see that you made it." He said with a smile.

"You didn't finish answering my questions, so please answer them. I have no tomes for games today."

He put his hands up in defense," I am sorry, I thought you would like some coffee for starters that's all." He said

"I can pay for my own, if I wanted coffee I would have got some, before I came to the booth." I stated in a monotone voice.

"I'm buying your coffee or no answers.."

I rolled my eyes and huffed in annoyance, "You're so childish."

"We are all adults here now. What do you want? "

"Just get me a vanilla bean fap make it a large too please. No caramel only whipped cream please."

"Yes ma'am." And with that he off. I get on my Note Galaxy 6 to go on instagram. I have a snapchat, but after my dad died I cut all of my fake friends off, however ; Mitchell was my true friend.

"Herr you go." He came back with the white milk, slush ice goodness.

"Mhm. Why did he do it?"

He sighed. "You're damn was in the game, but he never took your mom. He was a lawyer, but a crooked lawyer who always got my dad off when he was in trouble. My dad and yours grew a bond. Where your dad got my dad off of every single charge in exchange for more money." He took a sip of his java chip frapiccino. "Then there was this charge my dad could not beat d he told yours you get me off or I will kil you."

My fist gripped in anger, also grabbing the frapiccino it was like slow motion I stood up throwing it on his face and his expensive suit. Storming out the building hearings whispers of what happened when I walked by. I quickly sped away to park at a near by park. I set my head on the wheels and cried hard. I grabbed my phone to block his number. I do not want any further contact with that man. I can't believe my father was apart of so many crimes that were committed. I reached into my purse grabbing my blunt and lighter.

Putting the blunt towards my lips closing my eyes in the process. I lit the blunt

Inhale the good shit, exhale the bad shit.

Few hours after my high came down I went back to my house. Not forgetting to stop by Starbucks to oget my mom her favorite drink. When I got home my mom was upstairs in her room. I messaged her that I was home. I took a long and steamy bath. I can't believe the shit I heard today. Once, I was done I got dress in pj's and flopped on my bed. My phone vibrated snapping me out of my starting contest with my comforter.

"Nice try blocking my number,you can't block this one."

I sighed putting my phone silent. And going on my laptop.

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