q & a

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okay so i hate myself for doing this but in celebration of 3(.1)k reads, here is my q & a. 

some of these questions are from readers and others are from my friends/editors (they're really bad at their job hi cassidy)

1. which ship do i ship the most

even though i almost broke it, i really love scorpio and sagittarius because i've created sagittarius to be such an over dramatic character and scorpio is also fairly dramatic so it's really fun to make them break down over small things 

2. are any of the characters based off of close friends or family?

well every character has a small spark, my dad is a cancer and he really captures the energy i was going for so i try to take scenarios that happened with my actual dad and morph it into a story. same with scorpio who is based on my friend parker, and virgo is based on my friend haylie. a lot of other characters are also based on people i know, but those are the three that i really try to focus on.

3. what inspired you to write about the zodiacs?

well basically, i may be stepping on pins and needles but i'm a witch and i focus a lot on astrology, candle magic and herbal magic (no black magic, don't worry) and i started reading stories like mine when i was in grade six, around three years back and a little while after that i  started writing my own and it was my very first zodiac book and spoiler alert; it was bad. it was on a different account which still exists and maybe some people who read it are reading this book! probably not but that's super cool to think about. its been deleted, and my old username went through an enormous amount of changes and i don't think i'll ever go back to that account because i'm happy with the account i have now

4. would you ever incorporate other languages into this book?

ah yes, anyone who knows me personally knows that i am a polyglot, knowing around four languages and i'm trying to learn korean, japanese and swedish, already knowing french english bangla and german! i've already incorporated some bangla into this book with names and other titles, and eventually i want to have more of a diverse character spectrum rather than just our twelve protagonists so expect more names in a different language!

5. do you have any other hobbies, other than writing?

hi parker, anyways i really like drawing and music, more specifically listening to music, but i do like to sing but i'm not  the greatest at it

6. are you interested in anyone romantically?

hi cassidy, yes i am.

7. where do you work again?

hi mamrie, i work at tim hortons thanks for remembering 

8. is there anything you wish you changed about the book?

i wish i made gemini a male, scorpio and cancer females and virgo a male idk why but it would just be easier to write and remember, but all in all im happy about how it turned out.

9. how do you picture the characters voices?

well aries is a leader i think so i think of his voice as more like loud and penetrating and quickpaced words, i've always pictured taurus' voice to be raspy like not raspy but sweet and sandy almost? like you know when you make coffee and you don't stir in the sugar enough and it's kinda grainy but it's still good, y'know? i picture gemini to be silvery and clear? idk how to describe it but you understand. Cancer is kind of a moodier character so his voice is almost like every overly hormonal teenaged boy in my freshman english class but better, this is making no sense and i am so so so sorry. Leo is a very I want this now and if not now then never kind of character, so I picture him with a ringing confident voice. Virgo is similar to taurus so i think she also has a grainy, raspy voice but more breathy because she gives me more of those vibes, this is me just talking out of my ass and making no sense whatsoever. Libra is a very sweet, calm character so i picture her with a very sweet soothing voice. Scorpio is almost the exact opposite, a very deep, husky voice. Sagittarius' is very lilting and strong, no description needed. capricorn also has a very raspy voice, but mellow if that makes any sense? it doesn't you don't need to tell me twice. Aquarius' voice is very creamy and ethereal and Pisces' voice is very feathery and tender.
also cepheus' voice is like the shame wizard from big mouth tehe

10. what do you most want to incorporate into the book?

other dimensions

11. are you going to make a second book?


12. what shows do you like?

big mouth, black mirror, orange is the new black, the office, arrested development, gotham, disenchantment and friends

thats all! well there's more but i refuse to acknowledge mamrie's questions because she is a; dick.

question for you, how are you enjoying the book and what do you want to see more of?

i am curious let me live  

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