Chapter 13: Newt, Tina, Nina, Jesa, and Logan: Magic Time Portals are a Bad Idea

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(Finally! This is done! This took so long to write! Yeah, I am probably one of the few people out there who enjoyed Fantastic Beasts more than Harry Potter. I really like Newt and his relationships to Tina and Jacob. I couldn't find a way for this to properly appear in the Future Dreamers, so I decided to add them to the Dreamers timeline of events. I hope you enjoy!)

(Jesa's POV)

                  Well, here we go again. Logan wanted some help with his portals and though it would be a good idea for me to help him test out his powers. So, why did we bring Nina? Well, she's a pretty good fighter and has good control over her elemental power. She's here in case we can't handle whatever strange creature we summon. Even though Logan can pretty much take care it himself. The two of us have been on missions before we joined up with the Dreamers! We just had to stay back and watch over the school while the rest of them were being heroes. I believe Logan just wanted to stay with Minnie before becoming a Dreamer officially. Destiny finally caught up to him!

"Are you ready? I would like to have this done quickly" Logan said seriously as Nina continued to write in her Notebook.

"Yes" I said as I marched over to him.

We joined our hands together as I held my compass in my left hand. He held his crystal in his right hand.

The two of us presented our joined hands forward as we shouted, "Temporal Dimensional Reversion!"

Instead of Logan's normal cyan color portals appearing, a red version of it appeared. Nina looked up from her Notebook and gazed at the portal.

"So, what is behind that portal?" she asked as she closed the Notebook.

"Isn't that why you are here?" I asked her annoyed.

Nina shrugged as she put the Notebook away and walked to the portal. She summoned her keyblade and hesitantly walked through the portal. She then came back with an unamused expression on her face.

"It is just the Realm of Professor Layton" she said as she glanced at me, "Are you sure this was going to work?"

"It should've!" I shouted back at her while Logan crossed over the portal.

He then returned to us, but Nina and I were still yelling at each other about this. Logan doesn't really yell, so when he does, it means something important must've happen.

"PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!" he shouted as he closed his eyes and clenched his fists.

We both turned to face him and stopped our usually yelling spree.

"What's up?" Nina asked curiously.

"I think it did work. That does look like Professor Layton's realm, but there is one thing off about it" Logan said as he gestured us to follow him through the portal.

Once we crossed over it, Nina facepalmed at something she failed to recognize. I wasn't even sure what we should be able to recognize though.

"This is England before World War 2" Nina said as she recalled her ancestor's book.

Ah, yeah, I wouldn't have gotten that. Well, what realm did I throw back into the past? However, before I could even ask my question, Nina quickly made the water rise in front of us to avoid being hit by a spell of some kind. Wait a minute, that spell looks familiar...

"What realm did you pick?!" Nina shouted seriously as her grip tightened on the keyblade.

Logan quickly opened a portal underneath us to teleport us away from more incoming spells! We landed behind Big Ben as Nina rushed out to get a good look at our situation. You know, these spells look very familiar to me. Where have I seen this before?

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