Chapter 19: Naegi, Shun, Togami, Perry, and Ben: The Upcoming Hope

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(Perry's POV)

                   One last school to visit and thank for their help. Honestly, if they didn't call for the Sailor Scouts to protect Japan for us, who knows what would've happen here!

"They won't kill us, right?" Ben asked with a joke.

"Not funny..." I glared at him in annoyance.

Regardless, we decided to head to the school. Waiting for us at the first floor was Naegi. Kirigiri, and Togami!

"Hello everyone!" I greeted in delight as I saw them.

"It is nice to see you again!" Naegi said in delight as he shook my hand.

"Naegi please respect Perry. He will inherit the Casten Company one day!" Togami pointed out seriously.

"Hope is growing in our magic school just fine. How are you and your school doing?" Kirigiri asked in a warm manner.

"We are doing fine" Ben replied in a warm manner.

We went to the classroom and sat down to talk.

"So, me and a few others are working hard to make sure that no one has footage about the huge battle. Logan's group is working on erasing memories of the event from those who are very dangerous" I reported to them.

"Oh! That's a huge relief!" Naegi said in joy.

"That is amazing. How do you think it will take?" Togami asked curiously.

"Hopefully, by the end of the week, it will all be taken care of!" I said in delight.

Naegi and Kirigiri were relieved by this as Togami scoffed.

"Honestly, our world should be more open to this idea" he stated simply, "What will we do in the future if other worlds wish to take us over? Use that foolish blue beam to protect the foolish and unworthy people as we fight and risk our lives to make sure hope prevails?"

"Togami! That's rude!" Naegi shouted at his classmate.

However, he does have a point. Ben and I shared a nervous look at the statement. We can't keep doing this forever. A lot of people in our world did see what we did during that battle. Most of them are children who are not yet changed by the world, but all of the others around the world were not children.

"Our world is changing. For better or for worse, we do not know. In the end, all we can do is hope that the people in our world will not do anything dangerous to anger the outside worlds. Though, that will be very hard to do since no one can leave without that blade of yours or a ship of some kind" Kirigiri pointed out.

"Exactly. Our world is growing when it comes to technology. You expect me to believe that our world will not have the vessels needed to travel to other worlds?" Togami stated.

He also has a point there. Our world is growing rapidly with technology. There is also a school being built in the United States about space exploration. So far, there has only been one school who wishes to pursue this idea.

"Well, we can't just lose hope in people then, Togami!" Naegi stated bravely, "Hope is the only thing that can tie everyone together and unit our goals in the end! Don't lose hope in people yet Togami!"

Naegi also makes a point as well! Ah! I feel like my head is spinning! I quickly shook my head and then stood up. However, Ben placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Well, for now, we have to do what we can for our world! Our world is going to still be here. We need to make sure this world will still stand" Ben said calmly, "The world I have formed a strong bond with went through this path. It is our world's turn now. As for reveling the existence of other worlds? That will come at a later point in time"

Ben was trying to soothe their argument out, but Togami flipped his hair and walked away from us with a scoff. I sighed. He doesn't like being proved he is wrong about anything most of the time.

"Sigh, sometimes I can never understand Togami" Naegi complained as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Togami has a different viewpoint on the matter. I can understand why he is worried about our world. He just needs to be patience" Kirigiri reassured him as she held his hand.

"Before we depart back to our side of the world, is Hope's Peck Academy still going to be a magic school?" Ben asked seriously.

I used this time to chase after Togami and chat with him. What? I won't leave Ben in Japan! I do have the jet, but we will go back to the United States together!

(Ben's POV)

I knew he would chase after his friend as I talked with Naegi and Kirigiri.

"Yes. This school will continue to train those who have exceptional talents. How about yours?" Kirigiri asked with a grin.

"Well, Jay and Sarah plan to look after Homestead once they graduate from college. Mr. O tends to keep Canterbury open to magics and no magics. We have yet to hear anything from the Battle Brawlers, but my girlfriend is meeting with them right now. As for Dupont High, it is unknown at the moment. Marinette and Adrien still have their respective Miraculouses, but they are still trying to obtain the Butterfly one. They've both decided to stay in France though" I informed them, "Oh, what of the Sailor Scouts? You were the ones who called them to the battle. What are they doing now?"

"Uh, well, it was Chihiro who called them over. He was able to reach them and inform them what was happening. As for where they are right now, I am not sure. Last time we saw them, Sailor Moon decided to rebuild the castle on the Moon. I don't know when that will be" Naegi said, "Though most of them planned to return to here to pursue their personal goals"

That is good to know. I hope Minnie can reach them and keep in touch with them. It would be a good idea to keep in touch with our friends.

(Perry's POV)

"Togami! Wait a minute! Please let me talk to you!" I shouted urgently.

I was expecting to stop next to him, but Togami took a step to the side which lead to me hitting the wall.

"Please do keep away of your surroundings. You will become the head of your company soon" Togami said seriously, "I honestly don't think how Naegi believes our world should not improve our technology!"

I suddenly got an idea, but this might not be the best idea though.

"Well, he is more a Hope student. If you are that worried about this, why don't you supervise this?" I suggested.

"Supervise the growth of technology? Hm. That is an interesting idea, dear Perry. Would you like to join me on this journey?" Togami offered in delight as his glasses tint in delight.

This might've been a mistake. I suddenly felt very worried about this idea.

"Come now, Perry. Do you honestly intend to sit on the sidelines when the world is advancing in the world?" Togami pointed out.

"You're right. I do plan to observe the technology advancing in our world. I will get the upcoming school's information. We'll keep an eye on this" I said as I shook his hand.

The two of us walked back to Ben, Naegi, and Kirigiri.

"Oh, look at that. Naegi is holding Kirigiri's hand. How cute. Well, I'm assuming you and Ben have to return to your school" Togami said in delight.

Kirigiri prepared to give him a piece of her mind as Naegi's face turned red. Ben walked up to me with a smile on his face.

"Ready to go?" he asked as he walked towards the door, "We need to prepare for the future"

"Yeah. We need to observe it and use it to help our world the best we can" I said to him confidently.

Togami is right. We can't stop technology from advancing, and our world from becoming something extraordinary. Ben and I will do what we can to improve our world the best we can. Let's improve the future of our world together. 

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