A New Family

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Once Upon a time long ago, there was a Monkey King-Sun Wukong, He had magnificent powers beyond belief, He once created a tremendous uproar in the Heavenly Palace and angered the Jade Emperor, The Monkey King had defeated the whole Heavenly Army with great victory, Yet the Grand Buddha disliked his defiance against the Heavens, Since then Sun Wukong has been imprisoned under the Mountain of Five Elements for the last five hundred years As my father was finished telling me and my baby little brother the story about the great monkey king but my little brother lifted my father's hand up to reveal a Sun Wukong doll as my little brother played with the Sun Wukong doll which made me giggle at my little brother, I was adopted by them when they found me in the ashes of building unhurt when I was a baby but I gain the ability of bending fire which made some people afraid of me but good thing that I didn't send anything on fire but only when my emotions get the better of me or fighting.

My father laughed as he took the doll from my little brother, "But don't worry, Sun Wukong-The Great Sage Equalling Heavens won't die, he fell asleep, that's all" Said my father as he returned the doll to my little brother then he looks at my moth...

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My father laughed as he took the doll from my little brother, "But don't worry, Sun Wukong-The Great Sage Equalling Heavens won't die, he fell asleep, that's all" Said my father as he returned the doll to my little brother then he looks at my mother and me with a smile on his face, "That was a great story father but I have a question" I said with a confused look on my face and my father giggled "alright what is your question Lin " said my father as he still smiles, "Is everyone including the gods afraid of something?" I asked my father as he nodded his head, "yes lin everyone including the gods are afraid something that is called the phoenix's flame" Said, my father with a smile on his face.

"The Phoenix's flame?" I Said in a confused voice as my father giggled at my reaction, "Well then let me tell you a story about the phoenix's fiery flame" Said my father as he starts the story, In the beginning, there was nothing but only one cosmic egg and when the cosmic egg hatched a cosmic phoenix was born aswell our universe, the phoenix created the world including the heavens, the phoenix flames brought the rays of the sun and as the phoniex flew it created the sky, the phoniex's scream created the mountains and rivers. The phoniex became the ruler of all so the phoniex created the gods to maintain the balance of the heavens and the world that the phoniex created the first humans, the phoniex's tears became the water of the oceans, the phoniex's feathers created the clouds, the phoniex feet grew the life on our world but one day the phoniex died but from the ashes, the phoniex' flame was created which holds all the powers of the great phoniex, the gods feared that it might fall in the wrong hands so they want to hide the flame somewhere far from anyone's reach, but when the gods were about to hide the flame, the gods saw that the flame was gone so in panic they search far and wide for the flame until they return without flame but the found chamber that bears the phoniex symbol but none can't open the chamber so the gods believe that the phoniex's flame was gone forever but they believe that phoniex flame would return one day.

My father finished the story as he saw that I was smiling and I got closer to my mother which she puts her arm around me to give a hug as we heard "It's getting dark, everyone back on the road!" yelled a man as my father pushes the cart where me, my mother, and my little brother was in as we all travel up a mountain, "Alright!" yelled another man as I look at the line of people "let's go!" yelled the second man as my eyes were starting to get heavy, "follow up!" yelled the third man as I was still sleepily but I manage to stay awake, "Mind your steps!" yelled the fourth man as I look over the cart to see how we're up on the mountainside which got me scared about falling off until the cart hit a bump which almost made the cart fall off the mountainside but my father manged to get the cart in time as he looks at my mother who looks like she has seen a ghost but then she looks at me and my little brother who was now asleep, then I heard some noise which got me scared.

"No Problem," said my mother as I move in closer to her and she uses her to hug me to let me know that things are going to be okay, "Be careful," said my father as I nod my head in response until "Incoming Mountain Trolls!" yelled the sixth man as I saw the green monsters with their red gleaming eyes, "There are Mountain Trolls!" yelled the seventh man as a mountain troll attacked the people ahead of us as I saw some people fall off the mountainside. "Down the hill!" yelled my father as drew his sword that was passed from my grandfather, my mother grabbed my hand and we both ran down the hill until a mountain troll jump to block our escape path, my mother gasp and I hid behind my mother but my baby brother cried so we turn around to see my father soak in his own blood.

My mother cried as we both fall on our knees but I saw the mountain trolls closing in on us, but my mother hugged me closer to her, "Lin we love you both so much and take care of your brother no matter what okay" said my mother as I saw that she has tears in her eyes, I nodded " good girl and now close your eyes" said mother as I close my eyes that when my mother jump off the mountainside to the river below. When I open my eyes to see my mother sacrificed her life to save us but I hear my little brother cried loud and I was really hoping someone would find us as we float down the river, I saw the Sun Wukong doll as I grabbed the doll and held it close to me as it was the last thing of our parents. I saw an elderly monk came towards us as he took us out of the river. He sat me down on a rock that was close by and lifted my little brother up, "Poor children" said the elderly monk as he looks at me and my baby brother but I was still looking down at the Sun Wukong doll that I was still holding, "where did you two come from?" asked the elderly monk as he looks at me for an answer but I still staring at the doll with tears start fill my eyes.

My little brother sneezed in the elder monk's face which made me smile a little bit but then he saw that I smiled so I quickly look at the doll as the tears rolled down my face at the fact that our parents are dead, "pitful children" said the elderly monk as he held my little brother close to him and he looks at me with a sad look on his face, "Gracious Buddha" said the elderly monk as he walks towards me holding out his hand, he looks at me with a smile so I held his hand and he took me and my little brother who later named as Jiang Liuer.

Hi there this my first Monkey King Hero is Back FanFiction and I hope that you guys enjoy the story but it will take some time to do the chapters because I type the chapters in google docs before publishing the chapters on Wattpad as well with school and I will also have some original pictures that I made all by phone so please be patient with this story and the Pirate Queen of the night as I get to them as soon as I can
Thank you for your time-Vbheart13

The Monkey King: a Hero is back and the Phoenix's flameWhere stories live. Discover now