The fight and rescue

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"Oh. Or maybe a babysitter" he said in a disgusted voice which makes want to burn him on the spot, "Are you really the monkey king?" asked little brother as I held his hand tight, "You got the wrong monkey. Goodbye!" yelled the monkey as he turns around to walk away from us which makes reviled that he's not Sun Wukong but that doesn't explain why he said those things to the Buddha statue. "It's Him!" yelled my little as he let go of my hand which gets me off, guard, "He really is The Great Monkey King!" Liuer yelled with excitement in his voice, I was about to say something until "I am not The Great Sage!" yelled the great sage as we saw him jumping on the rocks, "No Sage, no greatness, just a monkey in torn pajamas. Beat it!" he continued as he vanishes into the forest, I grabbed liuer's arm but he pushes my hand off him, "Great Sage!" liuer yelled as he ran after him but he stops in the middle of his tracks, I ran close behind him "Liuer maybe he's not the great sage from the legends" I said hoping liuer would come back to his senses as I was catching my breath but then he ignores me as a groundhog master appeared and shows liuer the way to the so-called great sage, "Over There" said liuer as he ran but stop in the middle of tracks "Thank You Master Groundhog" said liuer as he bows to the groundhog master as he disappears in puff of smoke as he jumps to dive into the ground.

"LIUER WAIT!" I yelled as I chase after him but then I see the monkey walking away until "Great Sage!" yelled liuer as he was not far behind from the monkey who stop as he looks at him and then at me, "Wait for Us!" yelled liuer as he climbs over a log but I jump over the log to catch up with liuer who found the so-called great sage giggling to himself thinking that he had us fool by hiding behind a tree from us as I walk behind liuer, "Great Sage, what are you doing here?" asked liuer as he smiled at the monkey who looks shocked as he saw us so in response I glared at him showing that I don't trust him one bit, the monkey sigh in defeat "Well I'm not too good at "Hide and Seek" I guess" said the monkey turns around to walk away so I was about to grab liuer's hand but he ran to catch with the so-called great sage which in result I growel in anger as I ran to catch up with liuer who was walking next to the monkey so I slow down as I walk next to liuer.

"Great Sage, We had just seen you talking to the Buddha's statue," said liuer as I saw the so-called "great sage" face light up with an idea as he looks around "Then you must have seen..." said liuer before he could finish the so-called great sage jump and leap on some rocks that lead to a cliff, "Sorry kids. I'm taking a short cut, you understand right?" Said the so-called great sage as he laughs as he walks away, but then I notice liuer was climbing on the cliffside so I had no choice but chase after, "I'm going to burn this monkey alive" I thought to myself as I saw liuer caught up with the so-called "great sage", "Great Sage" said liuer as I saw that he have leaves on head when I walk behind him, "You must have met Buddha himself!" said liuer with a smile on his face but the so-called "great sage" look surprised when he saw us and he also looking around to see where we came from. "Tell me, can Buddha hear me whenever I recite the sutra?" asked liuer as he asks the so-called "great sage" the question but I can tell that he doesn't sim too happy about us being with him.

"Listen, short stuff," said the so-called "great sage" as he sim to be not in the mood to answer questions right now, "I'm not really looking for some friends right now, okay?" Said the so-called "great sage" as he looks like he already hates even though we did find him in that cave but I was wondering about all the Buddha statues all around the cave but my head comes back to reality as I notice that the so-called "great sage" was walking away and liuer ran to catch up to him so I chase after him again, "Great Sage you know magic!" said liuer with excitement in his voice which I smiled as he walks backward in front of the so-called "great sage", "I know" said liuer as he ran towards a boulder which he climbs on top of it. "Sun Wukong-the Great Sage Equal of Heaven," said liuer as he stands on top of the boulder. "Cast of iron with eyes of fire" continued liuer as I can't help but smile to see my little brother retelling some parts of the stories I always tell him about the monkey king every night. "The Immortal one, who can transform seventy-two times," continued liuer as I saw the so-called "great sage" looks annoyed. "Your Somersault Cloud takes you a hundred thousand miles," said liuer as the so-called "great sage" smiled as he puts his hands behind his head then I hear liuer giggle as he climbs down the boulder. Liuer went behind "The great sage" moving side to side as "the great sage" puts his behind his back "Pull off a strand of hair and blow it" said liuer as he pulls off some of "the great sage's" fur from his right arm which got him off guard and blows it to see if makes the clones from the stories I told him but it seems like "the great sage" didn't like when liuer pulls some of his hair as he rubs his right arm but nothing happened after liuer blow his fur.

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