The race against time

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It blitz towards me with such speed, I managed to dodge its attack but I got burned by it's flames on my whole right arm as it I screamed in pain, the fiery red bull turns back to stare at me which it prepares for another attack, I tried to stand up and run but I couldn't feel my legs as I was still weak to even walk until it came at me, I felt someone grabbed my left arm which made us rolled on the ground which had against the person's chest as it miss us and then I look up to see who help but my were blurry as I couldn't tell who its until I heard the person's voice "You're an idiot to take that thing head on" said the voice who turned out to be wukong as I realize he very close to me, "Wukong what are you doing?" I asked as he got up but then he noticed my head was bleeding and my whole right arm was burned badly as I groaned in pain while I was trying to get up. "Saving you that's what, come on let's go" said wukong as he pick me up bridal style and ran which gotten the fiery red bull attention, it roared at us and many people were still running from it's monstrous rampage, I can tell that he didn't want to run but he had no choice with me in his arms, my whole right arm was burning so much as I whence in pain and I started breath slowly, "I think I have a idea but I need to get you somewhere out of the way" said wukong as he ran in the crowd but then someone crash into him which made him fell on the floor and drop me on the ground, we both got separated from each other but I managed to get up from the ground as I caught my breathe in time where the fiery red bull was about to kill innocent children who were huddle in a small group which I ran towards them as I let out a beam of fire at the side of the fiery red bull's face, "HEY I AM OVER, COME AND GET ME!!!" I yelled as it got its attention which I ran to make sure it's follows me and while I was running I saw that the main gate was open, "If I ran towards the gate it would follow me out" I thought to myself as I made a sharp right turn towards the gate.

I turned to make sure that it was following me while it was catching up to me. I saw that there were some officers as they were trying to close the main gate until I saw Yang and the others but Wukong was not with them, "Hey look it's lin oh god that thing is right behind her!" yelled pigsy as I ran towards the gate with it right behind me, "OPEN THE GATE!!" I Yelled as everyone looked shock that I was insane but then yang order the officers to open the main gate, I ran out of the gate and then quickly moved out the way making it believe that it was chasing me but then it stop which I saw that my plan wasn't going to work as I quickly ran inside as the officers were closing the gates but when the gates the fiery red bull head butted the main gate trying to get back in, "Lin you okay?!" asked liuer which I nodded as we both shared a hug and then we saw Wukong run towards us out of breath, "Where were you?" asked Ning as Wukong gave him a look which made him nervously laugh. We heard the main gate was starting to crack which made everyone stand back from the gate, "Is the barrier crystal working?" asked yang as the main gate was about to break wide open, "No sir it's not working we don't what's wrong with it could the be the Sun Stone" said one of the officers which got yang worried, "Wait a minute, the sun stone needs to be the heat" said Chin which gave me idea, "Yes we keep it in a room that's heated but I guess someone might accidentally left the door which let all the hot air and let the cold air in which makes sense because it was boiling hot three days ago" said the officer which yang gave the officer a look that he wants to kill the officer on the spot. I tap yang on his left shoulder, "Yang maybe I can help because I am the only who have fire abilities" I said but yang shook his head, "No you are far to injured I can't have you risking your life" said yang but then the main gate was burst open with a couple of more head butts as we can it hear it roaring from behind the gate which was really damaged by the fiery red bull attempts to get in. "Look it's that either or we get killed by that thing, so which it'll be?" I asked yang who seemed about my well being but he sighs. "Get more people here while the others to the sunstone room" said yang as the officers nodded and yang took us to a building, we walk through its walls, we saw a tapestry of the phoenix which I stop and look at it as I went deep into my thoughts until my whole right arm gives me a sharp pain. "Lin Come on" said allisa as I speed walk over to the others where they were standing in front of a white huge door that bears two golden phoenixs on each side of the door, the huge doors swing open to a big sunstone pillar and on its floor was a magic circle which was a worn out, "Lin be careful" said liuer as I walk towards the sunstone and I place my hands on it.

The Monkey King: a Hero is back and the Phoenix's flameKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat