Chapter One: A Normalish Day

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(Y/n) POV

"Dabi, I want attention." I Said as I ran through the halls to his room. The halls were cold and felt like they were going on forever. The damp black wallpapers were leaving their place on the wall. More pieces were falling off everyday. The only source of light was the sunlight coming in from the windows. Even that wasn't technically in the hallway. The majority of the light were in the rooms coming off of the hallway. It felt like the place aged along with us.

I saw Shigaraki come out of Dabi's room. He looked exhausted. The hand that was usually covering his face he was now holding in his right hand.

"Please don't tell me you've been fucking him?" I pleaded while putting my hands on my hips. He shuddered at my voice as, to him, I appeared out of no where. "What makes you think he's dominant?" Asked Dabi as he walked out. I started laughing as Shigaraki hit Dabi around the back of the head lightly. "No, we weren't fucking. I actually have standards." Shigaraki states being as petty as he could. "Good because I want to hang out with Dabi and I'm not sitting on a bed where cum has been spread all over it. You can be intimate later." I grabbed Dabi by the wrist and pulled him along with me into his room.

Being in a relationship with two of the worst villains can be a bit rough but I love them both and I know that they love me. Well, I hope they do. They are both horny fucks and I'm not so they use each other.

One thing I know they won't agree with is the fact that I want to be a hero. If they find out that I want to be a hero, I'm done for. Being the daughter and a super weapon for the villains means that I won't be excepted anyway.

His room was warmer that the other parts of the building and was well put together. A dresser was in the corner of the room under the window. The view wasn't the greatest. All you could see were cars going past every once in a while. We lived in an abandoned building so no one would come by and see us here.

We went to sit on his bed. It was more comfortable than the others. The springs were still in use and the fabric was still momentarily together.

"Why did you want my attention? You're never this needy?" He Asked. "I'm just bored." He gave me an 'Are you serious' look which consisted of an eyebrow raise and his lips straight. I put up my first finger signalling a saying of 'Wait a second'. A couple of seconds later there could be footsteps heard stomping their way through the corridor.

"SHIGARAKI! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY OFFICE?" I couldn't help but laugh. I had to try and muffle it. Dabi was doing the same thing. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DIDN'T DO IT? IT HAS YOUR NAME WRITTEN ALL OVER IT?" I started feeling bad but it was extremely funny. "YOU BETTER NOT BE LYING TO ME?" There was then loud footsteps walking away.

I got up and sprinted to the door. I swung it open and saw Shigaraki with a shocked expression. I pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry."

We all sat on Dabi's bed. I had my head in Shigaraki's lap and my legs over Dabi's legs.

"Okay, What happened?" Shigaraki Asked in his husky voice. "I had to clean up his office again. I remembered I was making cookies and, as I ran to the kitchen to take them out of the oven, his planning papers fell into the fire and turned to ash. As I was halfway down the hallway, he started screaming. I then ran over and grabbed Dabi. He wouldn't hurt you so I thought you were the best option." He just sighed. "Look, I love you but you really need to stop putting me for the blame of things." I nodded at his statement. "I'll forgive you if you give me some cookies." I smiled. "Sure. They are cooling down at the moment."

I sat up and turned around. He looked confused until I connected my lips to his. It wasn't a lustful kiss but instead one that was filled with love. When we pulled away, Dabi looked jealous. "Where's mine?" He pouted. "You have to earn one." I led back down only to have Shigaraki kiss my forehead.

Some time later...

My smile faded as I remembered something that I couldn't be late for. "What time is it?" I Asked. "Almost Two. Why?" I sat up and sprinted out of the door. No other word was said or thought in that moment.

      I arrived just on time.

"Are you ready Bitch?" I sighed at the word he used against me. I just nodded.

My dad has been abusing me since I was seven years old. He uses me as a punching bag and calls me 'a weapon'. It's like I'm not even his daughter but instead something to use against people.

He smashed his glass bottle over my head and pushed me to the floor. It didn't stop there. He kept kicking me and kicking me and kicking me. Eventually I had a lot of marks all over my body, my nose and lip was bleeding and my body just felt numb. After a while, he pulled out a knife. During his moments of swing red he pierced my arms open. Blood oozing out of each slice and cut.

"I know that you are in a relationship with Dabi and Shigaraki. Let's hope they still love you after this." He grabbed me by my hair and dragged me down a hall. He pulled me down a flight of stairs to the cells. Each hit of the corners of the steps hurt more than the last. He threw open a door and walked inside. I heard a gate opening and he shoved me into the wall. He shut the gate again and locked it. Leaving me all alone inside with the words "You're not allowed out until tomorrow afternoon. No one will be coming in or out." He also threw the key to the side of the door into the cell.

I was left alone with my thoughts.

It wasn't the first time I was locked up but I couldn't even try and tell Dabi nor Shigaraki because they wouldn't believe any of this. He never put me in this cell before. It looks like prisoners come into this one. He never puts me in one that they put prisoners in because he knows that I wouldn't hurt them.

I walked over to the shadow and sat down where no one could see me. I brought my legs up to my chest and let my my head rest in my knees. I let my tears fall.

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