Chapter Nineteen: Go!

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I'm so sorry it took so long 🥺

Kirishima's POV

We were now at the hideout.

Everyone was sleeping until Mr Aizawa came and woke me up and said it was time. I got everyone together and followed Mr Aizawa to the hideout.

Once we got to the hideout, we got told to wait for his signal. Which was when everyone was occupied. We were all hiding around the corner. I was panicking while Bakugou was was getting really impatient.

The place looked big so it was good that we had a lot of people with us. Kaminari and Mina were going to look around the top right side, Sero, Shinso and Tsu are going to look around the top left side. Midoriya, Todoroki and Uraraka are going to look in the basement while Me and Bakugou are going to look in the other building.

"Are you okay?" Mina asked as she placed a hand on my shoulder. "I will be when she's safe." Bakugou has stayed silent for the whole time we've been on this mission. Mina went back over to Kaminari while I walked over to Kirishima.

"You miss her. Don't you?" He blushed and looked away. "No." I smiled slightly at his Tsundere self. "What if she isn't alive? Or isn't there." His question shocked me. "Why are you doubting that?" He looked at me. He looked emotionless. There was no anger, no happiness, no... nothing. He looked like he was physically here but spiritually not. "What happened to 'shut the fuck up' you. Or 'why the fuck are you worrying so much?' you?" He shrugged.

"Kiri, It's time to go." Mina said. I took one last look at Bakugou before he grunted and started walking with me into the opposite building to everyone else.

Midoriya's POV

Me, Todoroki and Uraraka went into the Basement of the main building. There was some extra villains that we had to sneak past but we were fine.

There were cells and cells. No one was in them. Thank god but with each one I looked in gave me more anxiety.  There was nothing after nothing.

"Where is she?" I muttered to myself out of frustration. I tried to keep a clear head and a positive attitude. I tried to convince myself she's alive. A part of me didn't believe it but I had to. For her and my sake.

"Deku, are you okay?" Uraraka asked me. I gave her a soft smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just worried about her." Todoroki brought me into a hug. "I promise we will find her." I nodded as I sighed. Relieving my stress in that moment so I could keep going.

All of a sudden, I could hear sniffles and sobs. My head perked up and instantly started following them. It took us outside of the room we were currently in and down the hall passed a bunch of what I could guess was more empty rooms. Once we got there, they stopped. Just suddenly. I held onto a breath as I opened the door. The sight shocked me.

She was just sat there. Tied to a chair with her hands behind her back. Scratches were covering her skin along with bruises and dried up blood. I walked over to her slowly. 'Please don't be dead.' I pleaded to myself. (Y/n)'s body looked lifeless as I knelt down beside her. I reached out to her head which was faxed down. Kind of blocking the air pipe. "Deku?" Uraraka called out. I jolted back slightly before touching her head and lent it against the back of the chair. I took two fingers to her neck and felt a very weak pulse. That's when her breathing was able to be heard.

"Get in contact with everyone. She's alive and we're all getting out of here." Uraraka and walked closer to the door as she began talking to the radio.

"Todoroki, can you brake the chains on her wrists." He nodded and froze them. Only to break them afterwards. I looked over to Uraraka who was still talking to someone as Todoroki walked over to her to join the conversation.

A hand was pressed to my wrist which made me jump. "Midoriya, what are you doing here?" Her voice was in a whisper. Almost like it was too hurtful to talk. It was husky and the way she looked at me was uneasy. Like she was actually shocked to see me here. "You should be at UA." I placed my opposite hand on hers. "We came here to save you. You need to be a hero too." She shook her head. "No, you guys need to leave. Now. You shouldn't be here." She tried to stand up only to fall forward. I wasn't quick enough to stand up but Todoroki caught her.

"What are all of you guys doing here? Leave her alone. She's not your problem anymore." A knife was thrown our way which led to Todoroki accidentally dropping her and protecting me from it. "Sorry (Y/n)." She held a hand up as if to say that she was okay.

"Guys, the heroes had to retreat. They're all coming back to the base." I sighed as I got into a fighting stance. "No matter what, protect (Y/n)." They nodded and began fighting. Each step to room to throw a punch, use our quick or dodge, we used with care to stay beside her.

Eventually there was too many to handle so we took a step back to hide (Y/n) from them but it surprised me. Fire was stracing the corners off the rooms to the door, they started gasping for air. Almost like they were gasping for something that wasn't already around them. The ground forcefully pushed them to their own side of the room and we could hear water being filled into them. 'They could drown. What's happening?'

(Y/n)'s POV

I didn't know what happened. I took a breath and all I could see was metaphorical red. Anger built up quickly and it rawness inside of me like a lion. I stood up and I suddenly lost control on everything I thought I knew.

Before I knew it, I was using all elements at a time. Fire was all around the room, they were being cloaked, they were being separated then being drowned.

My body felt weak and I knew I wouldn't last long. I gave into my mind as everything went black.

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