Chapter Twenty: The Black Crystal

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(Y/n) POV

Déjà vu.

That's all that came to mind when I woke up in the same environment I did back in the beginning of all of this... adventure? Torture? Excitement?

I couldn't quite pinpoint what my life has ended up becoming. The only difference was that everyone was waiting beside the bed in Bakugou's room. Everyone was worrying. It didn't stand out to me that people actually cared about me until this point.

The feeling of being appreciated.
The feeling of being cared for.
The feeling of being looked after.
The feeling of being

Bakugou was sitting beside me. Opposite to everyone else. He was facing away from me like he didn't want to believe I was here. I quietly sat up which got the attention from some people and wrapped my arms around the muscular torso. He jumped at my touch before relaxing for a few seconds soon realising that the others were still in the room. He quickly pulled away and stood up glaring at everyone. They all got the message to leave and promised to come and see me later on.

Once everyone was out of the door, Bakugou quickly brought me into an actual hug making me fall onto the bed yet he was still careful of my injuries. "Fuck (Y/n), don't fucking scare me like that." His voice was shaky. I laughed slightly. "It's what I'm good at."

The door opened and Kirishima walked in. "Hey guys." Bakugou let go of me and sat down at the edge of the bed. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked. His hands were behind his back and his eye contact was dodgy. "I feel fine." He sighed and walked closer to us; sitting down next to me and pulled his hands to his front.

"I found this in the hideout and I thought you might want it." He handed me a necklace. It had a thin purple rope holding a long black rock. "I don't recognise it but thanks." You sat forward and held up your hair for him to put it on you. As soon as he finished, a bright light blinded you. 

"Billie." My name was being called beyond the cloud of mysteries. Somehow, the voice felt like home. It felt so familiar that I didn't question about answer it. "Hello?" My voice hollow. Like there wasn't really anything within it. "We can't talk long but there's a small decision to be made." My whole body shivered. "Trust your intuition, trust your gut. Trust yourself." The pause they took was short before they began talking again. "You are the key to everything and we all have your back, It's why you are who you are. And remember to keep those two boys at your side. Don't let them go." 

The white void began to get warmer, thicker. A person could finally be seen in the distance. Their black hair flew behind their head. The outfit being bold enough to see through the fog of light. They weren't facing me but I didn't need them to be. I knew them. I knew her. 

"Nana Shimura." She turned her head to look at me with a bright smile. "Yes, Darling?" Her eyes were empty and her skin was as pale as a cloud. As quick as all this appeared, it all disappeared. 

I jolted awake. My whole upper body being pulled into a seated position as I gasped air into my lungs.   It was then I realised that I was holding Kirishima's and Bakugou's wrists. Each with a terrified look of their face. "What happened?" I wondered. Bakugou instantly became defensive. "What happened with us? What happened with you? You went bat-shit crazy." My head began to ache so I rubbed my right hand over my forehead. "It was like I was in a white fogged room talking to someone who's supposed to be dead." They looked at me like I was insane. "Look, not even I know what I saw but that's what happened. She felt familiar. Like I knew her but I didn't. I know I didn't - don't. I know I don't." 

Kirishima grabbed my hand. "I believe you. A few centuries ago or whatever, no one knew what a quirk was so there must be truth in that." Bakugou finally agreed after a few protests. "Look, if it were me, I'd ask the one person who knows more about this than anyone." "Allmight." Bakugou finished. My eyes widened and I sat up on my knees. "Kirishima, Bakugou, you two are genius'." I kissed the two of them on the cheek Before I ran out of the room to find my dad.       

Bakugou's POV

I was frozen. For the very first time, I was speechless. 'Fuck!' I looked over at my boyfriend who seemed to be in the same state as me. I couldn't help the smile that rose to my face. "That fucking girl got us wrapped around her fucking finger." I finally said bringing Kirishima out of his love stance. "I'm not sure if that is good thing or a bad thing but I'm not going to stop it." I sighed at his words. "I fucking hate being soft." Kiri laughed as he led on the bed. 

"Did you see the way her eye's lit up?" His gaze was on the ceiling like he could imagine the moment in such detail that he didn't need reality. "They were like stars on such a clear night that you don't need a telescope." I smirked at his state. I am really happy that we fell for the same person as well as each other although I will never say that to anyone. I led down next to Shittyhair and looked up to where he was looking. Everything seemed to make sense but there was still answers to be solved. We just got her back and we will help her through anything she needs. That doesn't mean I'm going to make it easy for her though. 

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