Chapter Ten: This Again

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(Y/n) POV

Me and Shinsou are both keeping a close eye on Allmight. We have reasons to believe that the man I saw is Allmight although he seems to be faking some things to the public and other hero's. I didn't think that hero's could keep secrets like this quiet. It's surprising with the amount of press that come to the school to see him. He also runs out of the class as soon as it is over.

I couldn't be more confused.

You would think that a hero would have  some sort of schedule but he is hardly away from his office and, if he is away from his office, someone is guarding it or he isn't gone long enough. It started getting really frustrating after a month.

Within this month, following the No.1 hero isn't the only thing I've been doing. Me, Kirishima and Bakugo have been getting closer. I even helped Kiri break up with his girlfriend. I felt really happy as, a couple of days later, I helped him confess his feelings for Bakugo. Accomplishment filled my spirits but I also felt something else. I just couldn't place my finger on it. 

I was in my dorm. No one was there other than me. I've skipped the whole day of school and I didn't even mean to.  Everything was so over whelming.

Until it wasn't.

I looked up and found something I found on day one. I stood up on the bed to get a closer look. I could make out two words. They weren't just words. It was a name. 'Yagi Toshinori'. I thought it said something else so I rubbed the dust off of it. It didn't. Instead there was a square with a key whole.

The door to the dorm opened which surprised me. I jumped and fell. Luckily I didn't hit the floor. I looked up and saw an angry Bakugo. "God, be careful dumbass." I smiled nervously. "Sorry." I mumbled. He helped me stand up straight. I stood there nervously with my arms crossed. My body was tense.

"What's up with you lately?" He asked with a hint of anger in his voice. "What do you mean?" He scoffed. "Look at you. You're so tense all the time. You've been avoiding me and Kirishima. Do you know how much it's killing him?" I sighed as tears rose to my eyes. "I'm sorry. I've just been going through a lot right now. You wouldn't understand." His face started falling from anger. Slightly. "No, I don't understand. If you explain, I might."

"You're willing to listen to me? Even thought you don't listen to anyone else?"
"Yes, because you're one of the only people I tolerate in this school."

I sighed. "Fine. I'll tell you. Just meet me outside of the school in two hours and you better be there." I was about to walk out of the dorm when he stopped me. "What about Kiri?" I sighed. "Fine, bring him to." He let me go and I walked out of the dorm.

I walked down the corridor when Shinso came up to me. "(L/n), I found something." I smiled. "Cool, I was about to go for a walk. Do you want to go with me?" He nodded. "Sure."

We got to a place where I recognised but I couldn't put my finger on it. It felt so familiar.

"The key that's attached to a string, isn't the key to his office like I thought." My eyes widened. "Really?" He nodded. "Now we just need to figure out what it opens." "I think I know what it opens. There's a lock on the ceiling of my dorm so I wasn't just put there because someone needs to be with me at all times. Someone is telling me to find out what happened." Shinso looked at me. "What?" He just shook his head. "You're getting all of this information like it's just air your need to breath." I laughed. "I used to be a villain, remember? We had to learn to get information quickly."

I looked forward again and saw Kirishima getting hassled by the now ex girlfriend and what looks like to be an older version of her. They seem to be yelling at him. I sighed and went over to them.

"What's going on here?" I asked with annoyance. "Who is she?" Asked the I older one. I think it was her older sister. "She's my girlfriend." Kirishima said out of the blue. My face flushed a light pink colour even though I knew it was fake. He came up to my ear and whispered. "Just play along. I'll explain later." I nodded and smiled. "You go out with her?" They both asked together. "Why is that so surprising?" I wondered. "I don't believe you. Prove it." The ex said. My eyes widened. 'What?'

Before I knew it, Kirishima spun me around and kissed my lips lightly. It was filled with fake love and something else. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

When we pulled away, I realized that the girls already left. I turned to Shinso in a way of hiding my blushing face away from him. "Let's go." I mumbled. I began walking in the direction I was originally. 'At least now I know why it looked so familiar.' I thought. My mind was racing. Only this time it wasn't from my own identity. 'It's fake. It's fake. It's fake. It's fake.' I had to keep my mind in one place. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and my mind.

"(Y/n), are you okay?" Shinso said although I completely ignored his question. "Why didn't you tell them you had a boyfriend?" Kiri obviously knew i was talking to him because he sighed. "They are homophobic and I couldn't be asked to be in an argument." I looked into his eyes. They looked worried but I don't think it was about his ex. I just shrugged it off slightly and continued walking with the kiss wondering in the back of my mind.

How will Bakugo react?
Will he hate me?
Will I get killed?

I started worrying although I kept it inside me head.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realise that we got back to the school. I took a breath as Bakugo looked at me. I couldn't read them like any other time. It felt different. There was a little bit of pressure on my chest. My heart started quickening and I became a bit nervous. My eyes widened. 'No, no, no, no, no. Not this again. Please don't say I like them.'

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