Chapter 9

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Betty, Archie and Jughead went to the gym an hour before the match after sitting in the living room with their friends, the couple as far from each other as possible in order to not to show them they have feelings for each other. Not just yet.

The gym was already full of Serpents. It was a free pass because of the initiation and everyone had come to work out with friends for no money this time. Betty felt eyes on the three of them when they walked to the empty rings, no one allowed to box but them. There were placed benches around the first ring for all the Serpents to watch, some able to sit and not no stand up. Everyone had to be there.

"Hey," FP said to the three kids, having set all of this up. He looked at Betty, "You ready?"

"Yeah," she nodded with a small smile, making the guys smile as well.

"Alright, well. Use the punching bags in the rings. We'll move them later. Betty, you're in the first one, Jug, Archie, second and last. And um... When Tall Boy gets here, you two move into one and Betty keep an eye on his moves."

Betty nodded and the kids separated, Jug giving Betty a small smile before they all climbed into the rings. Betty dropped her bag and sat down, tying her hands up. She took a sip of water and then leaned forward to place her extremely curly hair into a ponytail. Then she got the gloves on and just started punching the black boxing bag, feeling nervous.

After about ten minutes, she pulled the gloves back off and drank a bit of her water before starting to do jumping jacks and everything else.

Tall Boy got to the gym 45 minutes before the match. Betty stopped jumping up and down, observing the overly muscular man, at least 6.2 feet tall and twice her weight. The men in the gym looked like they didn't like him either, but as he grinned and went to the middle ring, both of the boys came to Betty, all the guys around them confused.

"I'm like half of him," Betty said in a whisper to the two teenage boys. "Crap, I'm going to die."

"You're not gonna die, Betty. You can say stop every time," Archie calmed her down.

"I'm not going to say stop," Betty whined, knowing herself. "Crap. I need to do this."

"You don't," Jughead sighed.

"Just because you want to see me stripping in front of you doesn't mean you will ever see that."

The boys laughed at her. "Not in front of the drunk men. I honestly prefer you fighting with Tall Boy."

Betty sighed, grabbing her bottle as the boys placed their things down too. "How will I win again?"

"Dad will explain the rules... But since he and we are so much bigger than you, you get a few good punches and he's gonna get you to win, because if you're able to do that to people twice your size, you're a champion," Jug says, making her smile a little.

Betty saw from the corner of her eyes how Tall Boy was telling something to FP who looked angry while raising his voice and poking his index finger to the taller and older guy's chest. She gulped and looked back at the boys, also seeing some Serpents already picking the best places to sit at.

"You guys wanna do plank or something?" Archie asked.

Betty smirked, nodding, and took a kneeling position just like the two shirtless guys. "3. 2. 1. Go," Jughead read and they all started planking.

After a minute they already had people cheering to them and after two, Jughead lost. Betty giggled in pain, feeling like she wanted to puke now, but keeping doing it just to try and win Archie who looked like he was sleeping.

"Ass in the air, both of you!" Jughead protested, making the people around them laugh.

"My ass is up, idiot!" Betty screamed at him, arms starting to shake while Archie just laughed and kept relaxing. She looked up at the redhead in pain but pressed her teeth together, hoping he would fall.

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